Ahmed Mekky Meya Meya Kanet Hatefre' Fel Wadaa' english translation

Ahmed Mekky Meya Meya Kanet Hatefre' Fel Wadaa' song lyrics
Ahmed Mekky Meya Meya Kanet Hatefre' Fel Wadaa' translation
احمد مكي
Ahmed Mekky

ميه ميه كانت هتفرق فى الوداع
a hundred percent it would have mattered in goodbye

لو كنت عارف ان هى دى المرة الاخيرة
If i knew this was the last time
ميه ميه كانت هتفرق فى الوداع
a hundred percent it would have mattered in goodbye

لو بس كنت عارف ان دى المرة الاخيرة
If only i knew this was the last time
ميه ميه كانت هتفرق فى الوداع
a hundred percent it would have mattered in goodbye

كنت يوميها اكيد هبيت عند جدى فى شقته
in that day i would have stayed with my grandpa in his department
نلعب ورق نسهر سوا
we'd have played solitaire together
و مش هسيبه عشان ينام ليلتها من بعد الدوا
and wouldn't have let him slept after taking his medicines that night
او يرد الشيش عشان ضهره بيتعب من الهوا
or wouldn't have let him close the window because the wind makes pain to his back

و كنت هقوله يعنى بذمتك
and i would have said
آخر نفس ساقع اخدته فصحتك
the last cold breath you took in your health
بقى ميساويش حبة وجع بطل دلع
it doesn't deserve some pain, don't be kidding

جدى اللى مات دفيان ليلتها باللحاف
grandpa who died worm that night under cover

لو كان عرف ان الليلادى وداع لانفاس الهوا
if he knew that this night is the goodbye to breath
مكنش رد الشيش فى اخر ليلة له مكنش خاف
he wouldn't have closed the window, he wouldn't have been afraid

مكنش خاف
wouldn't have been afraid

كل الشوارع و المبانى اللى مش هدخلها تانى
every street and buildings i won't enter again
و الاغانى اللى لما سمعتها دنتنتها من مرة واحدة بالسماع
and the songs when i heard i said it again from just one listening

ميه ميه كانت هتفرق فى الوداع
a hundred percent it would have mattered in goodbye

يا كل حاجة كسبتها او سبتها و ملحقتش اشبع منها
O everything i own or left it and didn't have time to be happy of it
اكمنها قالت هنروح مع بعض فين . فين . فين
because i said it will remain with me forever

يا ناس يا عبط يا عشمانين فى فرصة تانية للقا
o stupid people don't look for a second chance
بطلوا اوهام بقى
leave your illusions
و كفاية احلام و اسمعوا
enough dreaming and hear me
عيشوا بذمة وودعوا
live honestly and say goodbye
كل حاجة بتعملوها
to everything you do
و كل حد بتشوفوه
everyone you see
و كل كلمة بتقولوها
every word you say
و كل لحن بتسمعوه
every rhythm you listen to

عيشوا المشاهد كل مشهد زى ما يكون الاخير
live the every scene like it would be the last one
و اشبعوا ساعة الوداع و احضنوا الحاجة بضمير
do your best in the goodbye hour and hug everything strongly
ده اللى فاضل مش كتير
the rest of it is not much

اللى فاضل مش كتير
the rest is not much

لو كنت عارف ان هى دى المرة الاخيرة
If i knew this was the last time
ميه ميه كانت هتفرق فى الوداع
a hundred percent it would have mattered in goodbye

لو كنت عارف ان هى دى المرة الاخيرة
If i knew this was the last time
ميه ميه كانت هتفرق فى الوداع
a hundred percent it would have mattered in goodbye

لو بس كنت عارف ان هى دى المرة الاخيرة
If only i knew this was the last time
ميه ميه كانت هتفرق فى الوداع
a hundred percent it would have mattered in goodbye