Adamlar Koşmadan english translation
Adamlar Koşmadan song lyrics
Adamlar Koşmadan translation
kuşlar unutur
Birds forget
uzağa uçarlar
They fly far away
sen bi evde koca adam
You, a grown man in a house
koca ve bozup yapamadan
Tampering with and breaking, still can't do it
iki adım atamam
Can't even take two steps
sorular sorulur,
The questions are asked.
keyifler bozulur
Bliss is disrupted
uzaklara bakarken insan, daha insandır
When looking ahead, humans are more human
yakınını görmez
Can't see what's close
engel sanıp takılır
Thinks it's an obstacle and trips
istediğin kadar düşün
Think as much as you want
cevap yine yanlış
The answer is still wrong
çünkü hep bir yarış halindeyken
Because while you are always in a race
koşmadan hep yatışlardasın
You're always lying instead of running
yanlışa düşmeye korkma
Don't be afraid to be wrong
çaya hiç şeker atma
Never drink your tea with sugar
ilacını bulmak için kapı kapı dolanma
Don't knock on every door for a cure
sen benle gel ki ben de
Come with me so that I can
senle sen ben olayım
Be you with you
gel bu tarafa
Come over here
kuşlar uçuştu
Birds flew
ben de unuttum
And I forgot
sorup sorup ipe dizdim
I asked and asked and lined them up
anladım sanıp rol kestim
I thought I understood and assigned labels
ben küçük bi hevestim
I was a little whim
istediğin kadar düşün
Think as much as you want
cevap yine yanlış
The answer is still wrong
çünkü hep bir yarış halindeyken
Because while you are always in a race
koşmadan hep yatışlardasın
You're always lying instead of running