Gilda Fuiste english translation

Gilda Fuiste song lyrics
Gilda Fuiste translation
Fuiste mi vida, fuiste mi pasión, fuiste mi sueño,
You were my life, you were my passion, you were my dream
Mi mejor canción, todo eso fuiste, pero perdiste.
You were my best song, you were my everything but you lost
Fuiste mi orgullo, fuiste mi verdad,
You were my proud, you were my truth
Y también fuiste mi felicidad,
And you also were my happiness
todo eso fuiste pero perdiste.
All that you were but you lost it

De repente una mañana cuando desperte,
Suddenly a morning when I woke up
Me dije todo es una mentira,
I told myself all of this was a lie
fue mi culpa enamorarme de tu
It was my fault falling in love with your
Inmadurez, creyendo que por mi tú cambiarías,
immaturity, thinking you would change
No me queda ya mas tiempo para mendigar,
There no more time to beg for
Migajas de tu estupido cariño, yo me planto y digo basta,
Remains of your stupid love. I stand up and say stop
Basta, para mi porque estoy desenamorada de ti.
It's a stop for me, cause I'm not in love with you anymore

Fuiste mi vida, fuiste mi pasión, fuiste mi sueño,
You were my life, you were my passion, you were my dream
Mi mejor canción, todo eso fuiste, pero perdiste.
You were my best song, you were my everything but you lost
Fuiste mi orgullo, fuiste mi verdad,
You were my proud, you were my truth
Y también fuiste mi felicidad,
And you also were my happiness
todo eso fuiste pero perdiste.
All that you were but you lost it

De repente una mañana cuando desperte,
Suddenly a morning when I woke up
Me dije todo es una mentira,
I told myself all of this was a lie
Fue mi culpa enamorarme de tu inmadurez,
It was my fault falling in love with your immaturity
Creyendo que por mi tú cambiarías,
Thinking you would change
No me queda ya mas tiempo para mendigar,
There no more time to beg for
Migajas de tu estupido cariño,
Remains of your stupid affection
yo me planto y digo basta,
I stand up and say stop
Basta, para mi porque estoy desenamorada de ti.
It's a stop for me, cause I'm not in love with you anymore

Fuiste mi vida, fuiste mi pasión, fuiste mi sueño,
You were my life, you were my passion, you were my dream
Mi mejor canción, todo eso fuiste, pero perdiste.
You were my best song, you were my everything but you lost
Fuiste mi orgullo, fuiste mi verdad,
You were my proud, you were my truth
y también fuiste mi
And you also were my

Todo eso fuiste pero perdiste
All that you were but you lost it