Frankie Ruiz Tu con el english translation

Frankie Ruiz Tu con el song lyrics
Frankie Ruiz Tu con el translation
(Seguro mujer que hoy eres feliz
surely, woman, today you're happy

que nada de ayer hoy te hace llorar)
that nothing from yesterday, makes you cry today
Tú con él
You with him
El tiempo corre. Yo te espero pero tú con él
The time runs. I wait for you but you with him

Ya no recuerdas mis locuras
You don't remember my craziness anymore
ni el amor aquel
nor the love
Estas tranquila; lo mereces siempre fuiste fiel
you're calm, you deserve it you always were faithful

Tú con él
You with him
no me sorprende sospechaba terminar así
it doesn't surprise me, I suspected it to endup like this
yo, solamente, fui la excusa para serle ver
I was only the excuse to make him see

que tú podías, si querías, vivir sin su amor
that you could, if you wanted, to live without his love
pardon me

no me di cuenta de ese juego y me enamoré
I didn't realize that game and I fell in love
después fue tarde
and then was late
no podía ya volver atrás
I couldn't go back any more

y te quería cada día más y más
and loved you every day more and more
(Seguro mujer que hoy tú eres feliz
surely woman that today you're happy
que puedes hacer lo que quieras)
that you can do whatever you want

Tú con él
You with him
ya me han contado que estas linda
I've been told that you're beautiful
mucho mas que ayer
even more than yesterday
que no me odias y preguntas siempre
that you don't hate me and you always ask
algo de mi
something about me
al fin y al cabo
in the end
un poquito yo me hice querer
I earned a little bit of your love

pardon me
aquellos celos tan intensos que sentí por ti
that intense jealousy that I felt for you
estaba loco, casi loco por aquel amor
I was crazy, almost crazy for that love
y al poco tiempo para siempre lo perdí
and shortly after,i forever lost
(tú con él)
You with him
aún recuerdo el romance que viviste conmigo
i still remember that romance that you lived with me
(tú con él)
You with him
yo sé que jugaste con mis sentimientos
I know that you played with my feelings
(tú con él)
You with him
todo fue un juego que tuviste conmigo
Everything was a game that you had with me
(tú con él)
You with him
pero en ese juego yo me enamoré
but in this game I fell in love
(tú con él)
You with him
yo no me di cuenta escucha mujer
I didn't realize, listen women
(tú con él)
You with him
pero te lo juro mamita desperté
but I swear my lovely that i woke up
(tú con él)
You with him
ya no recuerdas mis locuras ni el amor aquel
you don't remember my craziness
(tú con él)
You with him
yo, solamente, fui la excusa para serle ver
I was only the excuse to make him see
(tú con él)
You with him
que tu podías si tu querías vivir sin él
that you could if you wanted live without him
(tú con él)
You with him
en el juego del amor unos vienen y otros van
In the play of love, some come and others go