김소현 쉬운 게 없구나 english translation
김소현 쉬운 게 없구나 song lyrics
김소현 쉬운 게 없구나 translation
나에게 왜 이러는건지
Why are you doing this to me?
내 맘은 또 왜 이러는지
Why is my heart like this?
눈을 감아도, 귀를 닫아도
I close my eyes, I shut my ears
자꾸 눈에 밟힌다
But you keep coming into my eyes
조용히 길을 걷다가도
Even when I'm quietly walking
피곤한밤 누워도
When I'm tired and laying down at night
생각이 난다 잠이 안온다
I keep thinking of you, I can't sleep
자꾸 맘에 밟힌다
You keep coming into my heart
쉬운게 없구나 내 마음 같지 않구나
Nothing is easy, nothing goes exactly as I want
사랑 흔한 말이어도
Even if love is a common word
매일매일 연습하던 한 마디
It's a word I practiced every day
입에서만 맴도는말
Words that only stayed in my mouth
사랑해요 그말 참 힘드네요
I love you, those words are so hard
한숨도 못잔 내 얼굴이
My face after not sleeping a wink
내가봐도 한심해
Even I think it looks pathetic
드라마에선 매일 하는말
Words that are said all the time in dramas
나만 못하는 그말
Words that only I can't say
쉬운게 없구나 내 마음 같지 않구나
Nothing is easy, nothing goes exactly as I want
사랑 흔한 말여도
Even if love is a common word
매일매일 연습하던 한마디
It's a word I practiced every day
입에서만 맴도는말
Words that only stayed in my mouth
내맘도 내맘을 다 알수가 없어서
I can't even figure out my heart
나조차, 어쩔 수 없는데
I don't want to regret alone
혼자서하는 후회는 싫은데
I don't want to regret alone
입에서만 맴도는말
Words that only stayed in my mouth
사랑해요 그말 참 힘드네요
I love you, those words are so hard
이렇게도 힘든 말 사랑해요
Words that are so hard to say, I love you