高橋優 ほんとのきもち english translation
高橋優 ほんとのきもち song lyrics
高橋優 ほんとのきもち translation
階段の片隅に座りうずくまるあの人に何があったんだろう? 一体何を見て来たんだろう?
What happened to that person crouching in the corner of the stairs? What on earth has he seen?
人混みの中で睨み合う男女の間に何が起こったの? 一体どんな事情があったんだろう?
What happened between that couple in the crowd, glaring at each other? What on earth caused it?
いつか僕を呼び出した先生が怒鳴ってたその真意はどんなだったろう? 一体僕は何をしたんだろう?
What was the real reason my teacher singled me out and shouted at me one day? What on earth had I done?
目の前で満面の笑みを浮かべて握手してるこの人は誰だろう? 僕は今どこで何をしてんだろう?
Who is this person right in front of me, shaking my hand with a big smile? Where am I, what am I doing now?
ことの真相は何も分かってるようで分からない それでもどうにか生きていかなくちゃならない
I think I know the truth about things but I don't at all. But still I have to keep on living somehow
知ったかぶりなんて出来ない でも知りたいこともあまりない
I can't pretend I know, but then there's not much I want to know
ただ一つ確かなのは僕の気持ち 「君が好き」
The only thing I'm sure of is how I feel, "I love you"
いつか食べたパスタの上にのっかってた具材は何だったんだろう? 一体僕は何を食べたんだろう?
What was in the toppings on that pasta I ate one day? What on earth did I eat?
いつからか続いてる戦争の果てにどんなことが待っているんだろう? そして僕に何が出来るんだろう?
What is waiting at the end of that war that's been going on for ages? And what can I do?
ことの真相は何も知っているようで知り得ない それでもどうにか歩いていかなくちゃならない
I think I know the truth about things but I can't know. But still, I have to keep on walking somehow
疑ってばかりいられない でも信じれるものも少ない
I can't doubt everything, but then there's not much I can trust
ただ一つ確かなのは今このとき 「誰が好き?」
The only thing I'm sure of is this moment, "Who do you love?"
その声をからしてまで その命削らしてまで 見つけ出したいものがまだこの世のどっかにあって
There's still something, somewhere in this world that we'd give our voices, our lives to find
No matter what it is, we spend today using trial and error hurting and healing each other
テレビの中で怒鳴り合っているあの人たちに何があったの? 一体どんな事情があったんだろう?
What happened to those people on TV shouting at each other? What on earth caused it?
少し気まずくなっていた友達に今電話したら何を言われるだろう? そして僕は何て言うんだろう?
If I call my friend who I'm not on the best terms with now, what would they say? And what would I say?
I change the channel to see people laughing creepily, what was so funny?
What am I afraid of?
What thoughts were you hiding in that kiss you gave?
Where are you, what are you doing now?
ことの真相は何も知っているようで知り得ない それでもどうにかこうにか生きていかなきゃならない
I think I know the truth about things but I can't know. But still, I have to keep on living somehow or other
疑ってばかりいられない でも信じれるものも少ない
I can't doubt everything, but then there's not much I can trust
The only thing I'm sure of is how I feel
君のその声聞かしてよ 信じれるものがそこにあるよ
Let me hear your voice, it's something I can believe in
ただ一つ確かなのは今このとき 「君が好き」
The only thing I'm sure of is this moment, "I love you"