雨宮天 月灯り english translation

雨宮天 月灯り song lyrics
雨宮天 月灯り translation
振り返る過去はない この手 放した日から
There is no future to look back, ever since I had let go of this hand
There is nothing to lose, is what I had repeatedly kept telling myself

静寂に漂う月 どんな闇も照らしてゆける
The silently drifting moon, can light up all sorts of darkness
強い光 未来へかざす 負けたくはないから
That strong light which holds the future, does not want to lose

終わらない夢が 胸のざわめきが 身体を巡って
The never ending dreams, the voices in my heart have consumed me
痛みさえ 今 強さになるよ 信じた道を行く
Even pain has become my strength now, leading the path I believe in

私を突き動かす熱 描き続けてきた世界へ導く
That fever which kept me moving, I had continued drawing its path which leads me to this world
行く手を阻むのは 閉じ込めたはずの弱さ
What hinders my moving is, the weakness that should have been confined

The light that rests in my heart is likely to disappear countless times
It might be like a nuisance

傷口を隠す度 また
Everytime while I try hiding my wounds
癒えることない胸の隙間 冷たい風が吹く
It will not heal the cracks in my heart while a cold wind is blowing

声にもならない 無数の言葉を 散りばめた夜空
The endless words which can't even form a voice are scattered into the night sky
光る星屑みたいに儚く 叫び続けている
Like the Glowing Stardust the fray cry kept continuing

犠牲にしてきたものくらい わかってる
I at least know what I have sacrificed till now
After this there is no going back
手が届きそうなのに 私、何を 怖がっているの?
My hands have already reached there but what am I still afraid of?
終わらない夢が 胸のざわめきが 身体を巡って
The never ending dreams, the voices in my heart have consumed me
痛みさえ 今 強さになるよ 信じた道を行く
Even pain has become my strength now, leading the path I believe in
私を突き動かす熱 描き続けてきた世界へ導く
That fever which kept me moving, I had continued drawing its path which leads me to this world
いつも強くあろうと そう決めていたのに
I would always remain strong is what I had decided even so
何故だか 頬を伝って
Why are they running down my cheek
…今日だけ 泣いてもいいかな?
…is it okay if I cry just for today?