陳綺貞 我喜歡上你時的内心活動 english translation
陳綺貞 我喜歡上你時的内心活動 song lyrics
陳綺貞 我喜歡上你時的内心活動 translation
在九月 潮溼的车厢
In September,in the wet carriage
you are staring at the window
窗外它 水管在开花
where the water tube is blowing a flower
椅子在异乡 树叶有翅膀
the chair is not in its hometown while the leaves own their wings
上海的街道 雪山在边上
and the snowy mountain is next to the streets of Shanghai
你靠着车窗 我心脏一旁
you are leaning against the window also behind my heart
where are we going
你看那 九点钟方向
please look at nine o'clock direction
日内瓦湖的房子 贵吗
is the house behind the lake of Geneva expensive
世界上 七千个地方
there are more than 7000 positions in the world
and where should we sattle down
告诉我 答案是什么
please tell me your answer
where do you love to go
青海或三亚 冰岛或希腊
Qinghai or Sanya, Iceland or Greece
南美不去吗 沙漠你爱吗
aren't you going to South America, do you love deserts
I'm sorry about asking too much
知道吗 这里的雨季只有一两天
do you know that right here the wet season only stays for one or two days
白昼很长 也很短 夜晚有三年
the day is either long or short, and the night stays for three years
知道吗 今天的消息
do you know that from the lately news
说一号公路上 那座桥断了
it is reported that the bridge on NO.1 avenue has fallen apart
我们还去吗 要不再说呢
are we still going there or we put it off
会修一年吧 一年能等吗
will it take a year for it to be fixed? can we wait till that time?
你还去吗 你喜欢吗(你喜欢吗)
will you still go there, will you still like it