陳粒 小半 english translation
陳粒 小半 song lyrics
陳粒 小半 translation
Doesn't dare look back
Crushing on you acting weirdly
Hitting on you unsubtlely
試探說晚安 多空泛又心酸
Trying to say good night yet the words are hollow and sad
My crush on you seems to be too obvious
I'm like a clown running around sadly
空空留遺憾 多難堪又為難
Leaving regrets how embarassing
釋然 慵懶 盡歡
Relieved, being lazy, enjoying myself
You don't belong with me after awhile
沒答案 怎麼辦 看不慣自我欺瞞
No answer, what should I do. I cannot deceive myself.
縱容著 喜歡的 討厭的
Permissive, lovingly, hated
寵溺的 厭倦的 一個個慢慢黯淡
Indulgently, tiredly
縱容著 任性的 隨意的
Permissive, capricious, randomly
放肆的 輕易的 將所有歡脫傾翻
Uncontrolled, easily, turning over all the happiness
不應該 太心軟 不大膽
Shouldn't be too soft, too scared
太死板 不果斷 玩弄著肆無忌憚
Too inflexible, too undecisive, playing recklessly
不應該 捨棄了 死心了
Shouldn't abandon, given up
放手了 斷念了 無可奈何不耐煩
Letting go, desparing, having no patience left
Doesn't count
Glimmering lights
Cannot tell my heart is bright or dark after borrowed a light from your heart
Laughing at myself being too emotional leaving myself alone
自嘲成習慣 多敏感又難纏
Mocking myself becomes a habit how sensitive yet hard to deal with
My crush on you seems to be too obvious
I'm like a clown running around sadly
空空留遺憾 多難堪又為難
Leaving regrets how embarassing
釋然 慵懶 盡歡
Relieved, being lazy, enjoying myself
You don't belong with me after awhile
沒答案 怎麼辦 看不慣自我欺瞞
No answer, what should I do. I cannot deceive myself.
縱容著 喜歡的 討厭的
Permissive, lovingly, hated
寵溺的 厭倦的 一個個慢慢黯淡
Indulgently, tiredly
縱容著 任性的 隨意的
Permissive, capricious, randomly
放肆的 輕易的 將所有歡脫傾翻
Uncontrolled, easily, turning over all the happiness
不應該 太心軟 不大膽
Shouldn't be too soft, too scared
太死板 不果斷 玩弄著肆無忌憚
Too inflexible, too undecisive, playing recklessly
不應該 捨棄了 死心了
Shouldn't abandon, given up
放手了 斷念了 無可奈何不耐煩
Letting go, desparing, having no patience left
任由著 你躲閃 我追趕
Just letting you running from me yet I chase from behind
你走散 我呼喊 是誰在泛泛而談
I've lost you and shouting to find you. Who's the one talking balls
任由著 你來了 你笑了
Letting you come and you smiled
你走了 不看我 與理所當然分攤
You left without looking at me. Sure we should share this.
不明白 殘存的 沒用的
Incomprehensible, relic, useless
多餘的 不必的 破爛也在手緊攥
Redundant, unnecessary, holding tightly even if it's trash
不明白 誰赧然 誰無端
Incomprehensible, who's terribly angry for nothing
誰古板 誰極端 無辜不知所以然
Who's old-fashioned, who's extreme, innocent so don't know what to do
I don't care