郭富城 青春敢想 english translation

郭富城 青春敢想 song lyrics
郭富城 青春敢想 translation
Youth Dare to Think

不知天高地厚 要闯千里 情怀极真
Uppity want to rush thousands of miles of feelings
Youth does not understand bravely
令斗志带着疑问 我深信
I'm convinced that the spirit is in doubt
高飞必须发生 要看得远 言行用心
Going high must take a long view
To open the wall that's in my heart
Listen to the advice quoted

青春的心彷似是纸般的雪白 布满了想象
The heart of youth is like a paper white filled with imagination
好想踏前寻梦去 勇于找寻自我的寄望
I want to look forward to the dream to find my own hope
如找到真心的指引 前去不退让
If you find a true guide
A happy heart and a rush to
像看到世界曙光 伴着踏步地发亮
Like seeing the dawn of the world shines
Looks like the stars will sing
请忠于自己 青春必须勇敢
Be faithful to your youth, be brave
要找方向 成全梦想
To find a way to fulfill a dream
青春不必退缩 用智慧判断衡量
Youth does not need to shrink with wisdom judgment
要知道 青春敢于幻想
To know that youth dare to fantasize
要走得远 排除路障
To go far away from the barricade
To clear away the negative energy that interferes with confidence
To see the clear sky
踏着毅力 恃我志气
With perseverance and my ambition
Stride with expectation
(I'm with you)
实现愿望 总是充满力量
Fulfillment of desire is always full of power
Laughing to the world and running
(Running together)
不知天高地厚 要闯千里 情怀极真
Uppity want to rush thousands of miles of feelings
青春不解勇敢 令斗志带着疑问 我深信
Youth don't understand courage to fight with doubt I am convinced
高飞必须发生 要看得远 言行用心
Going high must take a long view
To open the wall that's in my heart
Listen to the advice (never to yourself)