郁可唯 傷不起 english translation

郁可唯 傷不起 song lyrics
郁可唯 傷不起 translation
就像一個夢想 只能 想像
Just like a dream can only imagine
就像兩個氣球 不容 碰撞
Just like two balloons can't collide
說聲很有感覺 簡單 承認真實相處的感覺 很難
It's very easy to say it. It's difficult to recognize the feeling of being in real life.
一點點不安 就掛在心上
A little bit of anxiety hangs on my heart

不是愛不起 只是傷不起
It's not like I can't afford to just hurt
只知道堅持脆弱浪漫 不知道誰不自量
Just knowing to stick to a fragile romance, I don't know who is not
還難過 誰能忘 以為追求完美卻又經不起受傷
Still unhappy, who can forget to pursue perfection but can't afford to get hurt?
既然歡樂變成負擔 只有不歡而散
Since happiness becomes a burden, it is only unhappy

就像咖啡只能 不斷 加糖
Just like coffee can only be sugared
就像親吻不曾 預備 心酸
Like kisses never prepared
只會接受相擁感動 不愿面對抱頭痛哭 難堪
Will only accept the feeling of being moved, not willing to face crying, crying, embarrassing
悲傷到這樣 也只能這樣
Sadness can only be like this

不是愛不起 只是傷不起
It's not like I can't afford to just hurt
只知道堅持脆弱浪漫 不知道誰不自量
Just knowing to stick to a fragile romance, I don't know who is not
還難過 誰能忘
Still sorry who can forget
I thought that I was pursuing perfection but never thought I would get hurt
既然歡樂變成負擔 只有 不歡而散
Since joy turns into a burden, it is only unhappy

不是不愛你 只是傷不起
It's not that you don't love you
Constantly sharing does not want to share too much
一直朝 泡影 莽撞
Have been slamming
才失望 就絕望
Just disappointed, desperate
Thinking that perfection will become a loser
既然歡樂變成負擔 活該 不歡而散
Since joy turns into a burden