湘南乃風 黄金魂 english translation

湘南乃風 黄金魂 song lyrics
湘南乃風 黄金魂 translation
蹴破れ! その扉
Break through that door!!
プライドなど投げ打って Dead or Alive
Give up your pride, dead or alive
Until you win
立ち上がれ 上がれ 恐れずに前へ
Stand up, get up, and go forward without fear
走れ 走れ ぶっ倒れるまで
Run, run, until you collapse
上がれ 上がれ 一か八かなら
Get up, get up, if it's sink or swim
お前の明日 今よりましか 賭けてみろ 今
Then try putting your tomorrow on the line instead of the moment, right now
立ち上がれ 上がれ 壁ぶち破って
Stand up, get up, break down the wall
走れ 走れ 転がり続け
Run, run, keep on tumbling
上がれ 運命の中で 咲かせ 黄金魂
Get up, make your gold soul bloom within your fate
"Things won't go well at all"
社会に踏みつけられ 周りを気にして
Trampled on by society, I'm concerned about my surroundings
踏み出せないのは 大人になったからか?
Is the reason that I can't take a step forward that I've grown up?
鏡に映る姿に 中指を立て
I give the finger to my reflection in the mirror
何か気に食わねぇと 理由を付けて
With the reason that there's something that I just can't stomach
逃げてし oまうのは ガキのままだからか?
Is the reason that I run away that I'm still a kid?
昨日 ふと夢を見たよ いつか生まれてくる子供の
Yesterday I suddenly had a dream; I made a promise to the
笑顔と泣き顔に約束 「強くなるから!」
Smiles and tear-stained faces of children who will be born one day: "I'll be strong!"
殴るより殴られる男 破るより守り抜く男の
I know the pain of being a man who protects 'till the end instead of destroying
辛さを知る事 掴みかけた幸せを守るため
Being a man who takes a hit instead of giving one; It's to protect the happiness that I half-grasped
立ち上がれ 上がれ 恐れずに前へ
Stand up, get up, and go forward without fear
走れ 走れ ぶっ倒れるまで
Run, run, until you collapse
上がれ 上がれ 一か八かなら
Get up, get up, if it's sink or swim
お前の明日 今よりましか 賭けてみろ 今
Then try putting your tomorrow on the line instead of the moment, right now
立ち上がれ 上がれ 壁ぶち破って
Stand up, get up, break down the wall
走れ 走れ 転がり続け
Run, run, keep on tumbling
上がれ 運命の中で 咲かせ 黄金魂
Get up, make your gold soul bloom within your fate
Are you living your life the way you want to?
Are you going to die having only chased after the answers?
普通で平凡 賭けにでて成功
Normal and commonplace; Hitting it big on a bet
迷い込む 栄光と挫折の迷路
You've lost your way in a maze of glory and frustration
お前は一人 人生は一回 チャンスはいっぱい 恐れる失敗
Normal and commonplace; Hitting it big on a bet You've lost your way in a maze of glory and frustration
"It's a sure thing, yeah right. Nothing is for sure"
だから生きて 生きて 生きて 必死で!
So live, live, live your life frantically!
生きてけば見つかるぜ 自分だけの道へのきっかけ
If you live your life, the chance to head down your very own road will be found
Hey! まだまだ足りねぇのに 諦めてんじゃねぇ もっと踏ん張れ!
Hey! Even though it's not enough, don't give up; Keep holding out!
Yo! ちっぽけな悩みなんてのは あって無いようなもんだぜ!
Yo! It's like something that doesn't fit your little worries!
ホラ やってなんぼだろ ただ突っ立って 待ってたって 馬鹿を見るだけさ!
Hey, how many times are you gonna do it? You're just standing there and waiting, making a fool of yourself!
実際 動き出したって何が出来るかなんてこたぁ 分からねぇが
Actually, you don't know what could start happening
一生 社会の歯車の一部なんかで終わってたまるかって
But will your life end up being just another piece in the gears of society?
立派 な大人になんて なれなくたって逃げるな まだまだ
Don't run away from not being able to become a fine adult, keep going
ゆっくりだっていいんだ ありのままで
Doing it little by little is fine, to be honest
立ち上がれ 上がれ 恐れずに前へ
Stand up, get up, and go forward without fear
走れ 走れ ぶっ倒れるまで
Run, run, until you collapse
上がれ 上がれ 一か八かなら
Get up, get up, if it's sink or swim
お前の明日 今よりましか 賭けてみろ 今
Then try putting your tomorrow on the line instead of the moment, right now
立ち上がれ 上がれ 壁ぶち破って
Stand up, get up, break down the wall
走れ 走れ 転がり続け
Run, run, keep on tumbling
上がれ 運命の中で 咲かせ 黄金魂
Get up, make your gold soul bloom within your fate
わがままに生きることは 素直に生きてる証だ
Living your life selfishly is proof of living your life honestly
苛立ち 怒り 怒るのも それだけ真剣って証だ
Frustration and anger; Being angry is proof of being earnest
悲しみから知る喜び 寂しいからこそ知る温もり
You know happiness because of sadness, you know warmth because of loneliness
逃げるのも勇気 戦うも勇気 じっと座ってねぇで
Running away is courage, fighting is courage; Just don't sit there and do nothing
Until you win
立ち上がれ 上がれ 恐れずに前へ
Stand up, get up, and go forward without fear
走れ 走れ ぶっ倒れるまで
Run, run, until you collapse
上がれ 上がれ 一か八かなら
Get up, get up, if it's sink or swim
お前の明日 今よりましか 賭けてみろ 今
Then try putting your tomorrow on the line instead of the moment, right now
立ち上がれ 上がれ 壁ぶち破って
Stand up, get up, break down the wall
走れ 走れ 転がり続け
Run, run, keep on tumbling
上がれ 運命の中で 咲かせ 黄金魂
Get up, make your gold soul bloom within your fate