汪峰 春天裡 english translation
汪峰 春天裡 song lyrics
汪峰 春天裡 translation
還記得許多年前的春天 那時的我還沒剪去長髮
I still remember that spring from years ago. I've not yet cut my long hair then
沒有信用卡也沒有她 沒有24小時熱水的家
No credit cards, no her, no house with 24 hours of hot water supply
可當初的我是那麼快樂 雖然只有一把破木吉他
But I was so happy then, even when all I have is a broken wooden guitar
On the streets, beneath bridges and in the middle of open fields
Singing ballads that nobody asks about
如果有一天 我老無所依
When I grow old one day, should I have nobody around to accompany me
請把我留在 在那時光裡
Please leave me in that time period
如果有一天 我悄然離去
If one day, should I pass away silently
請把我埋在 這春天裡
Please bury me in that spring
還記得那些寂寞的春天 那時的我還沒冒起鬍鬚
I still remember the loneliness of those springs. I haven't grown a beard then
沒有情人節沒有禮物 沒有我那可愛的小公主
No Valentine's, no present, no cute little princess of mine
可我覺得一切沒那麼糟 雖然我只有對愛的幻想
But I don't think it was that awful. Although I have only imaginations about love
在清晨在夜晚在風中 唱著那無人問津的歌謠
At dawn, at night and in the breeze. Singing ballads that nobody asks about
也許有一天 我老無所依
Maybe one day, I will grow old without anybody around to accompany me
請把我留在 在那時光裡
Please leave me in that time period
如果有一天 我悄然離去
If one day, should I pass away silently
請把我埋在 在這春天裡 春天裡
Please bury me in this spring
凝視著此刻爛漫的春天 依然像那時溫暖的模樣
Staring at this beautiful spring. It still is as warm as those springs
我剪去長髮留起了鬍鬚 曾經的苦痛都隨風而去
I cut off my long hair and grew a beard. All the pain from the past were blown away by the wind
可我感覺卻是那麼悲傷 歲月留給我更深的迷惘
Yet I still feel so sad. Time has left me even perplexed than before
在這陽光明媚的春天裡 我的眼淚忍不住的流淌
In this bright sunny spring, my tears can hold no more and they start to flow
也許有一天 我老無所依
Maybe one day, I will grow old without anybody around to accompany me
請把我留在 在那時光裡
Please leave me in that time period
如果有一天 我悄然離去
If one day, should I pass away silently
請把我埋在 在這春天裡
Please bury me in this spring
如果有一天 我老無所依
When I grow old one day, should I have nobody around to accompany me
請把我留在 在這春天裡
Please leave me in this spring
如果有一天 我悄然離去
If one day, should I pass away silently
請把我埋在 在這春天裡 春天裡
Please bury me in this spring