梁詠琪 魔幻季節 english translation
梁詠琪 魔幻季節 song lyrics
梁詠琪 魔幻季節 translation
生活像懸疑的小說 下一頁劇情是什麼
Life is like a mystery novel, next page is always an unknown
我相信沒有人曉得 世界究竟怎麼了
Just like nobody ever know, what happened to this world
也許是我也悶得太久 也許是我今天著了魔
May be I'm overly bored, or just been cast with a spell,
Feel like vanishing for a moment
孩子似的閉上眼 向前走 回到自己那一國
Like a child who closes his eyes, march forward and return to a place of
a long forgotten road to my dream
我喜歡孤單冒險 追蹤夢的線索 我的註冊商標是自由
I like to adventure alone, chasing the clue to my dream, and freedom is my trademark
再也不想做 無聊的那個我
Refuse to be a meaningless self
我走向魔幻季節 原來那麼快樂 我連呼吸都是幸福的
I step into the magical season, feeling joyful and blessed even when I breathe
換一個角度 去看另一個地球
Change a view, go and see another world
愛情的範圍 誰畫的出呢 我愛的人剩下了幾個
Who can define the boundary for love? How little left of those I loved.
我翻閱記憶的底片 美的醜的 我通通記得
I read the memory of the film, the beautiful, the uglies, all I remembered
也許是我也悶得太久 也許是我今天著了魔
May be I'm overly bored, or just been cast with a spell,
I want to be missing for few seconds
孩子似的閉上眼 向前走 回到自己那一國
Like a child who closes his eyes, march forward and return to a place of
a long forgotten road to my dream
我喜歡孤單冒險 追蹤夢的線索 我的註冊商標是自由
I like to adventure alone, chasing the clue to my dream, and freedom is my trademark
再也不想做 無聊的那個我
Refuse to be a meaningless self
我走向魔幻季節 原來那麼快樂 我連呼吸都是幸福的
I step into the magical season, feeling joyful and blessed even when I breathe
換一個角度 去看另一個地球
Change a view, go and see another world
屋頂上的我 鏡子裡的我 DALA...
I am on the rooftop,I am in the mirror DALA ....
留短髮的我 最膽小的我 (都是我)
Keep my hair short, like I am so timid (it's all me)
我喜歡孤單冒險 追逐夢的線索 我的註冊商標是自由
I like to adventure alone, chasing the clue to my dream, and freedom is my trademark
再也不想做 無聊的那個我
Refuse to be a meaningless self
我走向魔幻季節 原來那麼快樂 我連呼吸都是幸福的
I step into the magical season, feeling joyful and blessed even when I breathe
換一個角度 去看另一個地球 DALA...
Take a different view and see another world DALA ...
No turning back for me
No turning back for me