林俊傑 簡簡單單 english translation

林俊傑 簡簡單單 song lyrics
林俊傑 簡簡單單 translation
我們都是泡沫輕輕一碰就破 眼淚是愛的花火
We are all bubbles that burst with a single touch/ Tears are the fireworks of love
昨天就像飛機穿過我的窗口 我什麼都沒有
Yesterday flies past my window like an aeroplane/ I have nothing
我攤開了雙手妳予取予求 直到妳想自由
My arms are open, take whatever you please until you want freedom
痛苦的時候我不會閃躲 就像樹葉甘心為春風吹落
When it hurts I won't dodge, like a leaf that allows itself to be carried on a spring breeze

只是簡簡單單的愛過 我還是我
Only after simply loving, I am still me
簡簡單單的傷過 就不算白活
After simply hurting, life is worth living
簡簡單單的瘋過 被夢帶走
After simply being crazy, dreams can carry you away
當故事結束之後 心也喜歡一個人寂寞
After the story is over, my heart likes to be lonely

我攤開了雙手妳予取予求 直到妳想自由
My arms are open, take whatever you please until you want freedom
痛苦的時候我不會閃躲 就像樹葉甘心為春風吹落
When it hurts I won't dodge, like a leaf that allows itself to be carried on a spring breeze

只是簡簡單單的愛過 我還是我
Only after simply loving, I am still me
簡簡單單的傷過 就不算白活
After simply hurting, life is worth living
簡簡單單的瘋過 被夢帶走
After simply being crazy, dreams can carry you away
當故事結束之後 心也喜歡一個人寂寞
After the story is over, my heart likes to be lonely

只是簡簡單單的愛過 我還是我
Only after simply loving, I am still me
簡簡單單的傷過 就不算白活
After simply hurting, life is worth living
簡簡單單的瘋過 被夢帶走
After simply being crazy, dreams can carry you away
當故事結束之後 心也喜歡一個人寂寞
After the story is over, my heart likes to be lonely