林俊傑 浪漫血液 english translation

林俊傑 浪漫血液 song lyrics
林俊傑 浪漫血液 translation
從一個眼神 一次談心
From a look, a chat
到變懂得 變熟悉
To better understand, a greater familiarity
從累積感動 累積回憶
From accumulation of emotions, an accumulation of memories
到最甜蜜 Wo
To the sweetest

從鬧意見 鬧情緒
From differences in opinion, a disagreement
到傷感情 Yeah
To hurt feelings
從都感覺 委屈
From both being misunderstood
到都好強 背對背 向悲傷走去
To both being stubborn, turning away and walking towards tragedy

無論再久 還是牢記
No matter how long, it's still remembered
無論再遠 還是關心
No matter how far, we still care
凡是愛過 就都烙印 在記憶
As long as we've loved, it becomes imprinted in our memories

用失眠 去反省
Use insomnia to reflect
On what turned love to tears
學會維繫愛情 以後不用再惋惜
Learn how to maintain love so there'll be no regrets next time

無論再苦 還是動心
No matter how bitter, my heart is still moved
無論再難 還是努力
No matter how hard, I will still do my best
服從感性 抗拒理性
Bow to the emotions, rail against logic
I don't want to live while my heart dies

用赤裸 去熱情
Don't hide anything and be passionate
不預留餘地 Wo
Don't leave any room to back out
在我身上 流著浪漫血液
Romantic blood flows in my body

我不要冷靜 Yeah
I don't want to be cold

不屑逃避 Wo
No more hiding
不怕打擊 Yeah
Not afraid of a challenge
始終相信 有真愛 將傷痛撫平 Wo
I still believe that true love will heal the pain

無論再久 還是牢記
No matter how long, it's still remembered
無論再遠 還是關心
No matter how far, we still care
凡是愛過 就都烙印 在記憶
As long as we've loved, it becomes imprinted in our memories

用失眠 去反省
Use insomnia to reflect
On what turned love to tears
不斷為難自己 想藉遺憾進化自己
Continue to challenge myself, use the regrets to evolve

無論再苦 還是動心
No matter how bitter, my heart is still moved
無論再難 還是努力
No matter how hard, I will still do my best
服從感性 抗拒理性
Bow to the emotions, rail against logic
I don't want to live while my heart dies
用赤裸 去熱情
Don't hide anything and be passionate
不預留餘地 Wo
Don't leave any room to back out
在我身上 流著浪漫血液
Romantic blood flows in my body
什麼傷口 都會痊癒
All wounds will heal
熾熱的渴望 是勇氣
That heated desire is courage
在我身上 流著浪漫血液
Romantic blood flows in my body