李健 貝加爾湖畔 english translation
李健 貝加爾湖畔 song lyrics
李健 貝加爾湖畔 translation
Lee Jian
Lakeside of Baikal
在我的怀里 在你的眼里
the place where is in my arms; the place is also in your eyes ,
那里春风沉醉 那里绿草如茵
is drunk in the spring breezes,is covered with the fresh green.
月光把爱恋 洒满了湖面
The light of moon spills on the lake.
两个人的篝火 照亮整个夜晚
The fire of duo light up the whole night .
多少年以后 如云般游走
Few years ago ,you and I had already gone.
那变换的脚步 让我们难牵手
The paces and steps are keeping us from hand in hand.
这一生一世 有多少你我
In the life , You and I ?
Just how much night You and I are swallowed in the watery moon light
多想某一天 往日又重现
how l want those days would come up again .
我们流连忘返 在贝加尔湖畔
We were pushing and pulling by the lakeside of Baikal
多少年以后 往事随云走
decades,all of us will leave
the flying snow can not bury the warming care
这一生一世 这时间太少
the life , the time flies
can not prove the melting snows' love
就在某一天 你忽然出现
the day ,you appeared
你清澈又神秘 在贝加尔湖畔
you are so clear and mythical by the lakeside of Baikal
你清澈又神秘 像贝加尔湖畔
you are so clear and mythical like the lakeside of Baikal
感谢 overwhite 提供歌词