朱俐靜 我會在你身邊 english translation
朱俐靜 我會在你身邊 song lyrics
朱俐靜 我會在你身邊 translation
朱俐靜:你的眼淚 有一點灰
zhu li jing: your tears are a little gray
我幫你擦去 模糊的傷悲
I will help you wipe away the blurred sadness
從不後悔 愛就那麼絕對
never to regret, love is so unconditional
畢書盡Bii:做你的玫瑰 在你周圍
bii: roses surrounding you
就陪你沉睡 願替你枯萎
just accompany you to a deep sleep. Im willing to wither in place of you
就算再美 請忘了我是誰
even if it could be beautiful again, please forget who I am
畢書盡Bii & 朱俐靜:
bi & zhu li jing
撫慰你所有傷痕累累 給你溫柔的堡壘
I will console all your sadness and exhaustion, and give you a tender fortress
把不安全都摧毀 不讓你心碎
I will destroy the uneasiness and won't let your heart break
我會在你身邊 擁抱你整個世界
I will be by your side, embracing your whole world
末日來之前 我不讓你孤單的飛
before the end of days, I won't let you fly away lonely
我會在你身邊 灌溉你那座花園
I will be by your side watering your garden
綻放的更美 再累我都無所謂
blooming more beautifully, the tired me isn't even significant
我會在你身邊 當城市一片漆黑
I will be by your side when the city is pitch black
照亮你側臉 靜靜靠在我的肩
Illuminating the side of your face. Rest calmly on my shoulder
我會在你身邊 默默守在你身邊
I will be by your side, quietly protecting you
直到你發現 真正愛你的是誰
until you realize who truly loves you
my love will never back away
朱俐靜:你的眼淚 有一點灰
zhu li jing: your tears are a little gray
我幫你擦去 模糊的傷悲
I will help you wipe away the blurred sadness
從不後悔 愛就那麼絕對
never to regret, love is so unconditional
畢書盡Bii:做你的玫瑰 在你周圍
bii: roses surrounding you
就陪你沉睡 願替你枯萎
just accompany you to a deep sleep. Im willing to wither in place of you
就算再美 請忘了我是誰
even if it could be beautiful again, please forget who I am
畢書盡Bii & 朱俐靜:
bi & zhu li jing
撫慰你所有傷痕累累 給你溫柔的堡壘
I will console all your sadness and exhaustion, and give you a tender fortress
把不安全都摧毀 不讓你心碎
I will destroy the uneasiness and won't let your heart break
我會在你身邊 擁抱你整個世界
I will be by your side, embracing your whole world
末日來之前 我不讓你孤單的飛
before the end of days, I won't let you fly away lonely
我會在你身邊 灌溉你那座花園
I will be by your side watering your garden
綻放的更美 再累我都無所謂
blooming more beautifully, the tired me isn't even significant
我會在你身邊 當城市一片漆黑
I will be by your side when the city is pitch black
照亮你側臉 靜靜靠在我的肩
Illuminating the side of your face. Rest calmly on my shoulder
我會在你身邊 默默守在你身邊
I will be by your side, quietly protecting you
直到你發現 真正愛你的是誰
until you realize who truly loves you
my love will never back away