新垣結衣 小さな恋のうた english translation

新垣結衣 小さな恋のうた song lyrics
新垣結衣 小さな恋のうた translation
広い宇宙の数ある一つ 青い地球の広い世界で
In this wide universe, there is A big world in a blue earth
小さな恋の思いは届く 小さな島のあなたのもとへ
A small memory of love will reach You who are living in a small island
あなたと出会い 時は流れる 思いを込めた手紙もふえる
Time has passed since I met you The letter with my piled up feelings increases
いつしか二人互いに響く 時に激しく 時に切なく
Without us realizing, it is already echoing between us Sometimes we're full of intensity, sometimes we're full of sadness
響くは遠く 遥か彼方へ やさしい歌は世界を変える
These feelings echoes distantly This gentle love song will change the world
ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
Look, the person who is important to you Is right beside you
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
I just want you to receive This echoing love song
ほら ほら ほら 響け恋の歌
Listen, listen, listen to this echoing love song

あなたは気づく 二人は歩く暗い道でも 日々照らす月
You've realized even when we walked In the dark, the moonlight will shine on us
握りしめた手 離すことなく 思いは強く 永遠誓う
I won't let go of your hand I swear that these strong feelings will last for eternity
永遠の淵 きっと僕は言う 思い変わらず同じ言葉を
In the depths of forever, I'll definitely say These same words without any change of feelings
それでも足りず 涙にかわり 喜びになり
Even if it's still not enough, it'll change into tears And it'll change into joy that I can't put into words
言葉にできず ただ抱きしめる ただ抱きしめる
I'll just hold you, I'll just hold you
ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
Look, the person who is important to you Is right beside you
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
I just want you to receive This echoing love song
ほら ほら ほら 響け恋の歌
Listen, listen, listen to this echoing love song

夢ならば覚めないで 夢ならば覚めないで
If it's a dream don't wake up, if it's a dream don't wake up
あなたと過ごした時 永遠の星となる
The time I've spent with you will become an everlasting star

ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
Look, the person who is important to you Is right beside you
ただ あなたにだけ届いてほしい 響け恋の歌
I just want you to receive This echoing love song
ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
Look, the person who is important to you Is right beside you
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
I just want you to receive This echoing love song
ほら ほら ほら 響け恋の歌
Listen, listen, listen to this echoing love song