嵐 LIFE english translation
嵐 LIFE song lyrics
嵐 LIFE translation
From the TV that I turned on in place of an alarm clock
Came the laughter of some person from a city I didn't know
For some reason or another, I also let a smile escape
遅く目が覚めた 晴れた朝のこと
I woke up late on a sunny morning
10年前夢見た 今の僕
10 years ago I dreamed of my current self
「10年後?わかんないや。。」って 今の僕
Now I say, "In 10 years? I don't know"
Someway, somehow, it felt the same
君と話してた あの昼下がり
As when I talked with you on that early afternoon
そうやって何気なく 流れてく時間の中で
Unintentionally, that's how we lived in that flowing time
大切なものは それぞれの笑顔の理由
The things important to us were the reason for each of our smiles
We are searching for today
巡る季節の風に乗って 輝きだした僕の夢は
Riding on the wind of the passing seasons That dream of mine had begun to shine
ここから続く 新たな未来 広がる その道を歩いて行くのさ
From here it will connect to a new future I'll walk on that path that stretches out
人には言えない悲しみや 冴えない毎日が続いても
Even if people have sadness they can't talk about or if dark days continue
散らばっている輝きを拾い上げれば もう少し進める気がした
If they pick up the pieces of radiance scattered about, they'll feel like they can go forward a little more
From his blog that I found by chance
Came the laughter of some person from a city I didn't know
For some reason or another, I started to cry
やけに目が冴えた そんな夜のこと
I just couldn't sleep at all on that night
どうやって生きてくのか 答えは一つじゃなくて
How should I live? There's not a single answer
大切なことは 僕らの幸せのカタチ
The things that are important to me are the shape of my happiness
Everyone is searching for that
巡る季節の風に乗って 輝きだした君の夢は
Riding on the wind of the passing seasons That dream of yours had begun to shine
いつか届くよ そこまできっと 広がる この空を駆け巡って行く
It'll definitely go that far someday It'll fly around in that wide sky
思い通りにならないって 挫けそうになる時だって
Even if they say, "things don't go as you want them to" at a time when you like you're being crushed
僕らはきっと手を取り合うよ だからさ 大丈夫 信じて進むよ
We'll definitely take your hand So don't worry Believe and keep going forward
奇跡など待たないよ 陽の差す方へ
Don't wait for miracles, go in the direction the sun is shining
In the darkness, there's a beam of light
導きしかの様 キラリ 光り
Like it's only there to guide you, sparkling, shining
Taking along this pain into the future
The orange sky darkens again
Are we living for the sake of living?
Someday when the time is right, I'll look back on those chances
現在は 奇跡など待たずにあの陽の光の射す方 射す方へ
In this present, don't wait for miracles, go in the direction the sun is shining
巡る季節の風に乗って 輝きだした僕の夢は
Riding on the wind of the passing seasons That dream of mine had begun to shine
ここから続く 新たな未来 広がる その道を歩いて行くのさ
From here it will connect to a new future I'll walk on that path that stretches out
人には言えない悲しみや 冴えない毎日が続いても
Even if people have sadness they can't talk about or if dark days continue
散らばっている輝きを拾い上げれば もう少し進める気がした
If they pick up the pieces of radiance scattered about, they'll feel like they can go forward a little more
奇跡など待たないよ 陽の差す方へ
Don't wait for miracles, go in the direction the sun is shining