嵐 GUTS! english translation
嵐 GUTS! song lyrics
嵐 GUTS! translation
目まぐるしく回る 迷い掻き分けて
Push your way through the dizzying uncertainties in your mind
確かな正解なんて 見つかるはずもなくて
You won't find anything like the "right answer" to them
夢を見ることも 容易くはないさ
Having a dream is not an easy thing to do
耳を澄ましてみれば 心がざわめいていた
If you try listening closely, your heart is whispering to you
光の無い 荒野を独り いざ行け
Walking through a dark, empty land alone Go forward now
握り締めた手の中には 君の言葉
What was held tight in our hands were your words to us
雨に打たれ 風に吹かれ 僕らは叫ぶ
Beaten by the rain, struck by the wind We'll shout out
VIVA 青春 胸を張れ いつでも変えられるさ
Viva youth! Be proud We can always change
イチニのサンで さあ前を向け
With a "one, two, three", look forward and go
Blow common sense away
VIVA 青春 立ち上がれ 君はひとりじゃないさ
Viva youth! Stand up You're not alone
僕らだけの革命を 夢と希望のパレード
Celebrating our revolution with a parade of dreams and hope
Steer our ship to joy
答えが間違いでも その勇気があれば
Even if your answer isn't right, so long as you have the courage
真実はいつだって ひとつだけじゃ終わらない
The truth never ends with only a single possibility
風を受けて 飛び立つ君に 幸あれ
Feeling the wind, you take off Good luck to you
人は誰も弱いものさ 泣いてるんだよ
People are all weak Everybody cries
雨は上がり 幕も上がり 僕らは誓う
The rain lets up And the curtain rises So we make a promise
VIVA 青春 咲き誇れ 全てを変えられるさ
Viva youth! Burst into full bloom Everything can be changed
イチニのサンで さあ走り出せ
With a "one, two, three", start to run Push your way forward how you want to
Push your way forward how you want to
VIVA 青春 声上げろ まだまだ諦めるな
Viva youth! Shout it out Don't give up yet
どんな小さい希望でも 明日のためのエール
Even the smallest of hopes will become a cheer for tomorrow
Hold onto it tight in your heart
嵐の中 闘う友よ いざ行け
Friends who are fighting in the storm together Go forward now
握り締めた手の中には 君の言葉
What was held tight in our hands were your words to us
雨に打たれ 風に吹かれ 僕らは向かう
Beaten by the rain, struck by the wind We'll move forward
VIVA 青春 胸を張れ いつでも変えられるさ
Viva youth! Be proud We can always change
イチニのサンで さあ前を向け
With a "one, two, three", look forward and go
Blow common sense away
VIVA 青春 立ち上がれ 君はひとりじゃないさ
Viva youth! Stand up You're not alone
僕らだけの革命を 夢と希望のパレード
Celebrating our revolution with a parade of dreams and hope
Steer our ship to joy