山下智久 HELLO english translation

山下智久 HELLO song lyrics
山下智久 HELLO translation
いつのまにか 閉ざした 胸の扉
At some point, The door in my heart had shut itself
傷つかないためのライン 越えられず 眺めている
drawing a line so that i wouldnt get hurt. unable to cross through. ijust gazed it

(でも)直に今 触れてみたいよ
(but) now i want to try touching it soon
確かな温もり (おそれないで)
its warmth its real (don't be afraid)
きっと会えたなら 五感で感じられる
if i could meet you, i'd surely feel it with all five sense
さあ 声を出して 呼びかけてみるよ
come on, i'll try calling you out

H-E-L-L-O- 心をつなぐ 文字列の魔法
hello this string of letters has the magic to connect people's heart
目と目あわせ Hello Hello
look at each other hello hello
H-E-L-L-O- 踏み出すんだ
hello take a step forward
例え時にぶつかっても 必ず 許し合えるはず
evem if we fight sometimes. we should definetely be able to forgive each other
H-E-L-L-O- 伝えよう Hello Hello
hello lets try saying it hello hello

画面越しに 映る 痛みは希薄
the pain we see projected on a screen fells like it's missing somethinh
現実味欠いたリアル 遠すぎて ぼやけている
a real world lacking "reality" it felt distant and blurred

(でも)まずは今 積み重ねるよ
(but) let's take each of the days
we've passed together (one by one)
きっとその先へ 一歩ずつ近づいてる
we're definetely getting one step closer to what lies beyond
let's declare our existance loudly

H-E-L-L-O- 世界を結ぶ シンプルな魔法
h e l l o a simple magic spell that ties the world together
空に響け Hello Hello
let it echo in the sky hello hello
H-E-L-L-O- はじめるんだ
hello it's starting now
例え 違う価値観も 必ず 認め合えるはず
whether our values are different or not. we should definetely be able to accept it
H-E-L-L-O- 信じよう Hello Hello
hello let's believe hello hello

誰もがきっと 本当はきっと 気づいてる
surely everyone actually is aware of it
素知らぬ顔した低温な日々 終にしよう
let's put an end to the cold days when we pretend not to notice
もういちど 生きてる実感を持ちたい
we want to feel like we're really living one more time

H-E-L-L-O- 心をつなぐ 文字列の魔法
hello this string of letters has the magic to connect people's heart
目と目あわせ Hello Hello
look at each other hello hello
H-E-L-L-O- 踏み出すんだ
hello take a step forward
H-E-L-L-O- 世界を結ぶ シンプルな魔法
h e l l o a simple magic spell that ties the world together
空に響け Hello Hello
let it echo in the sky hello hello
H-E-L-L-O- はじめるんだ
hello it's starting now
例え 時にぶつかっても 必ず許しあえるはず
even if we fight sometimes we shoul be able to forgive each other
H-E-L-L-O- 伝えよう Hello Hello
hello lets try saying it hello hello