安田 レイ きみのうた english translation
安田 レイ きみのうた song lyrics
安田 レイ きみのうた translation
Waiting for the daybreak,
I gently close my eyes.
As I wait for a new wind to blow,
a light shines through to my heart.
おやすみ 私の 一番星
Goodnight, my first star of the evening.
ずっと 輝き続けて
Please, just keep on shining!
I won't ask you to grant my wish.
言わないよ そっと 見守も ってるだから
You're already watching over me. That's why...
答えなんていらないから ただ聞いて欲しい
I don't need an answer, so please, just hear me out ー
さよならじゃない 最後の言葉
My last words to you, aside from farewell:
きみのうたをきみがいない街で 歌たい続ける
Even after you're gone from this city, I'll keep singing your song.
吹く風にさらわれた きみの匂いを探してしまうよ
Your scent was whisked away by the wind. I find myself searching for it within my memories.
記憶の中できっと 出会える どこか遠い空で
I'm sure we'll be able to meet again, in some far-off sky,
あの日のように 夢の中枯れない花
just like we did that day. A flower within my dreams that will never die.
The home platforn of the station, and all the places surrounding it,
have changed since that day.
But that red bench you loved so much
is still there... still just as cold.
「 会いたい」 何度も送った言葉
"I want to see you!" Again and again, I send those words to you.
But I'll stop whispering them now.
I can hear you voice, saying,
"Move on!" "Keep smiling!"
寂しくて 泣きたくてでも笑ってる
I'm lonely... I want to cry... but I'm smiling!
誰も知らない ただ二人だけの
We shared a promise that no one else in the world knew.
あの約束ずっと守っていよう どんな時でも
I'll go on protecting it forevermore, no matter what times may come.
I hope to see you in my dreams again tonight ー
そこでしか 聞けないかすれた 笑い声
that's the only place I can hear your husky laugh.
いつか 二人で歌った鼻歌を
Someday, the song we used to hum together will be carved deeply into my heart.
胸に刻むよ 瞳を閉じれば
Whenever I close my eyes, forevermore!
ずっと 涙に溺れる 私を包んで
When I was drowning in tears,
you embraced me like it was no big deal.
「 何泣いてんだよ 大丈夫だよ」
"What are you crying for?" "Everything's fine"
宝物ものだよ 今も 聞こえる ほら 聞こえてくる
"You're my treasure." I can still hear your words. I can hear them now!
会いたくて 会いたくて 胸が痛くて
I want to see you... I want to see you... I feel the pain in your heart!
Whenever I see someone who resembles your familiar steps...
Your broad back... I find myself searching for you, as if it were that day again.
答えなんていらないから ただ聞いて欲しい
I don't need an answer, so please, just hear me out ー
さよならなんかじゃない 笑顔のありがとう
I won't say goodbye... just "Thank You", with a smile!
きみのうたをきみがいない街で 歌い続ける
Even after you're gone from this city, I'll keep singing your song.
A flower within my dreams that will never die.