孫盛希 塌下來 english translation
孫盛希 塌下來 song lyrics
孫盛希 塌下來 translation
你抽完的煙蒂 飄散著香氣 冰箱裡的食物 剛剛過期
The cigarette you smoked leaves an odor floating. The food in the refrigerator just expired.
洗好的白襯衫 已經整理燙平 我在等待雨停 收拾行李
The white t shirt that was washed is already neatly ironed flat. I'm waiting for the rain to stop, I'm organizing my suitcase
那一夜 塌下來 我離開 說好的旅行它怎麼辦
that night came falling down. I'm leaving. what will it do about the trip we agreed on?
等天黑了 他回來 會不會有所感慨 淚滑下來 還能
I waited for the sky to get dark. he came back. can I let out a deep sigh? tears fall down. I can still...
說什麼遺憾 我把鑰匙 留下來 不願再期待
talk about regret. I took the keys and left them. I dont want to await anymore
躲在十坪公寓 空蕩蕩的回音 在你背後寫字 喃喃自語
hiding in an apartment. an empty echo behind you writing and muttering words
最喜歡的電影 陪你看到結局 可惜我們之間 已暫停
favorite movie, watching it with you until the end.It's sad it has been paused between us
那一夜 塌下來 我離開 過去的回憶誰來保管
that night, it came falling down. I'm leaving. who will keep the memories of the past?
等天黑了 他回來 會不會有所感慨 天塌下來 心都
I waited for the sky to get dark. He came back. will I be about to deeply sigh? the sky came falling down. and my heart...
碎成一灘 我不責怪 不糾纏 從此不再愛
Broken into a pool, I do not blame you, it's not entangled, from here we dont love anymore
總有一天 我會醒來 不稀罕 不為難 你說的未來
there will be a day that i wake up. It's not rare. It's not embarrassing. the future you spoke of
那一夜 塌下來 我離開
that night, it came falling down. Im leaving。
等天黑了 他回來
I waited for the sky to get dark. he came back
那一夜 塌下來 我離開 過去的回憶誰來保管
that night, it came falling down. I'm leaving. who will keep the memories of the past?
等天黑了 他回來 會不會有所感慨 天塌下來 心都
I waited for the sky to get dark. He came back. will I be about to deeply sigh? the sky came falling down. and my heart...
碎成一灘 我不責怪 不糾纏 從此不再愛
Broken into a pool, I do not blame you, it's not entangled, from here we dont love anymore