孫燕姿 克卜勒 english translation

孫燕姿 克卜勒 song lyrics
孫燕姿 克卜勒 translation
等不到你 成為我最閃亮的星星
You never did become my brightest star
But I am still willing to borrow you my light
投射給你 直到你那燦爛的光芒
I'll reflect it on you, until the shining light that are
Shines quietly in the distant sky

當你沉浸 天空那條冰冷的銀河
When you touch the cold galaxy
Is the weak light enough to warm you
當你想起 那道源自於我的光芒
When you think of the light that comes from me
我依然願意為你 來歌唱
I am still willing to sing for you

一閃一閃亮晶晶 好像你的身體
The sparkling stars in the sky remind me of you
Although you hide among the many stars, I am still able to find you
掛在天上放光明 反射我的孤寂
Shining in the sky, reflecting my loneliness
提醒我 我也只是一顆寂寞的星星
Reminding me that I am also just a lonely star

當你沉浸 天空那條冰冷的銀河
When you touch the cold galaxy
Is the weak light enough to warm you
當你想起 那道源自於我的光芒
When you think of the light that comes from me
我依然願意為你 來歌唱
I am still willing to sing for you

一閃一閃亮晶晶 好像你的身體
The sparkling stars in the sky remind me of you
Although you hide among the many stars, I am still able to find you
掛在天上放光明 反射我的孤寂
Shining in the sky, reflecting my loneliness
提醒我 我也只是一顆寂寞的星星
Reminding me that I am also just a lonely star

In this vast word
And endless stream of people
We shine on each other
Let us continue
Using all of our longing
唱一首歌 給你 給你
I will sing a song for you

一閃一閃亮晶晶 好像你的身體
The sparkling stars in the sky remind me of you
Although you hide among the many stars, I am still able to find you
掛在天上放光明 反射我的過去
Shining in the sky, reflecting my past
提醒我 我不再是一顆寂寞的星星
Reminding me that I am no longer a lonely star