天野月子 Chou english translation
天野月子 Chou song lyrics
天野月子 Chou translation
I kept digging a hole Underground
Without knowing where the hole would go to
土に濡れたスコープを片手に 君の腕を探していた
With a spade wet with dirt in one hand, I searched for your arm
つぎはぎの幸せを寄せ集め 蒔きながら
While I scraped together and scattered my patched-up happiness
君の強さに 押し潰されてた
I was crushed by your strength
焼けつき 焼けつき
The burning, the burning
Imprint of a palm that won't come unstuck
ちぎれた翼で 朱く染まる雲間を裂いて
Cut between the clouds stained red by my riven wings
上手に羽ばたく わたしを見つけて
And find me flapping then skillfully.
繭にこもり描いた永遠は 何処に芽吹き花開くのだろう
Where will the eternity I drew confined in a cocoon, bud and blossom, I wonder?
朝はやがて闇夜を連れ戻し わたしの眸を奪ってゆく
At last, the morning will bring back the dark night and steal away my sight
月明かり 手探りで重ね合い縺れては
I believed by my fumbling, the moonlight would overlap and tangle
君の在処になれると 信じた
And thus could become the place where you are
燃え尽き 燃え尽き
The igniting, the igniting
Promised place that won't come back
ちぎれた痛みで 黒く染まる大地を駆けて
Run through the earth stained black by my riven pain
上手に羽ばたく わたしを見つけて
And find me flapping then skillfully.
叫んでも聞こえぬなら その手で壊して欲しい
If you cannot hear me scream, I want you to break me with your own hands
While I can still call myself "me"
抱きとめる君の腕が 穏やかな塵に変わる
Your arms, which caught me, changed into calm dust
And I just quietly gazed up at the heavens
焼けつき 焼けつき
The burning, the burning
Imprint of a palm that won't come back
Cut between the clouds tinged red by my riven wings
燃え尽き 燃え尽き
The igniting, the igniting
Promised place that won't come back
上手に羽ばたく わたしを見つけて
And find me flapping then skillfully.