佐々木恵梨 Ring of Fortune english translation

佐々木恵梨 Ring of Fortune song lyrics
佐々木恵梨 Ring of Fortune translation
光をあつめて 夜空の彼方へ
Gather up the light… to the far reaches of the night sky…

The memory of a goodbye fills my eyes –
瞳にたたえて 見つめる夢 遠く
The dream i focused on, far off.
壊れてしまう うたかたのメモリー
I'll leave it to a shattering transient memory,
寂しさの涙 そっと拭こう
To wipe away these tears of sorrow

伸ばした手は観覧車 優しくとらえて
My outstretched hands are a Ferris wheel, taking in softly,
目覚めそうな 記憶の欠片
Fragments of dreams that seem ready to awaken,
うつむいて 消えてほしいと祈るけど
Despite my downtrodden prayers that they'd somehow disappear…

You found this voice of me;
動き出した時計の針 世界はやがて色づいて
The hands of my clock begin to move, And my world finally fills with color
My plastic heart will shine with brilliance,
忘れないで おぼえていて
So never forget – keep remembering me,
いつかまた巡り会える日まで ずっと
Until the day we happen upon each other again, forever…

夕暮れ 灯る光
Light comes alight with the sunset,
小さなゴンドラ 上ってゆく 空へ
As a tiny gondola climbs up towards the sky
隣に座る 君のぬくもりに
For some reason, from the warmth of you beside me,
なぜかな 涙が頬を伝う
The tears just stream down my cheeks

巡り廻る観覧車 静かに揺られて
That revolving Ferris wheel sways silently,
胸の奥が 張り裂けそうで
As my depths of my heart feels like they're splitting apart
窓の外 流れる雲 見上げてた
I was looking up at the clouds flowing by outside the window…

ずっとこのままふたり 寄り添って
If the two of us are stay close like this forever,
運命の輪 繰り返せば 想いはやがて繋がるよ
If we spinning this wheel of fate over and over, our feelings will eventually connect!
答えを探し 未来へ願い続ける
I'll search for an answer, wishing constantly onward toward the future,
迷わないで 信じていて
So don't lose your way – just trust me;
'Cause our memories will become the real thing

壊れそうな 記憶のすべて
All of my memories are on the verge of breaking,
うつむいて 消えぬようにと祈るけど
Despite my downtrodden prayers that they won't disappear…

今夜 夢の時間は終わり告げる
Tonight, the time for dreams announces an end…
怖くないよ 世界はまだ優しく色づいてるから
But I'm not afraid – the world is still filled with tender color!

You found these words for me;
運命の輪 繰り返せば 想いはやがて繋がるよ
If we spinning this wheel of fate over and over, our feelings will eventually connect!
My plastic heart becomes more and more fulfilled;
忘れないよ おぼえてるよ
I won't forget – I'll remember,
いつかまた巡り会える日まで ずっと
Until the day we happen upon each other again, forever…