伊藤由奈 alone again english translation
伊藤由奈 alone again song lyrics
伊藤由奈 alone again translation
あなただけ今見てる もう会えなくなるから
I only look at you now because I can't meet you anymore
このままずっと もきっと 振り返ることもない
I will surely not look back
忘れることはないよ いつもそばにいたのに
I can't forget, I was always by your side
泣き出しそうな空の下 ただ立ちすくんでいる
Under the empty sky I seem to burst into tears, but I'm standing petrified
...Time is not on my side
...Time is not on my side
いつもあなたのそばで 泣いたり笑ったりを
I always cried and laughed by your side
繰り返す日々 もう二度と戻ることなんてない
Days repeat themselves and again, there's nothing
悲しみにさよならを すぐに言えるようなら
I seem to be able to say goodbye to my sadness if I can say it immediately
The thing which everybody's strong in
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
Hands joined forever
I wanted to go somewhere
かじかんだ指先 温もりを探した
I searched for the finger-tip warmth which has become numb
心はずっと no way, no way
My heart becomes more no way, no way
Can I go to another side tomorrow?
oh, alone again
Oh, alone again
いつか二人で見てた 駅前の映像(ビジョン)には
Someday the two of us looked at the image/vision in front of the station
今も あなたの好きな歌 リピートしてるんだ
Even now your favorite song is repeating
「私も好きなんだよ」 そう言っていたのはね
"I like it too", I said
あなたの為で 今はもう 嫌いになりそうなんだ
I already seem to dislike you if it's for your sake
...I will never leave you
...I will never leave you
あなたからのメールを 全部消してみたけど
Although I deleted all the mails from you
優しい声は 記憶から 消えはしないんだろう
The gentle voice will not disappear from my memory
「もしも願いが一つ叶うのなら」 なんてね
"If one wish comes true"
ありふれた事 想っては
I yearn for the same thing
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
Hands joined forever
I wanted to go somewhere
かじかんだ指先 温もりを探した
I searched for the finger-tip warmth which has become numb
心はずっと no way, no way
My heart becomes more no way, no way
Can I go to another side tomorrow?
oh, alone again
Oh, alone again
あなたのその笑顔も 大きな掌も
As for your smile, as for your palm
思い出になんか したくはなかった
I didn't want to make it turn into a memory
心はずっと zutto no way, no way
no way no way
Can I go to another side tomorrow?
oh, alone again
Oh, alone again
Hands joined forever
I wanted to go somewhere
かじかんだ指先 温もりを探した
I searched for the finger-tip warmth which has become numb
心はずっと no way, no way
My heart becomes more no way, no way
Can I go to another side tomorrow?
oh, alone again
Oh, alone again