五月天 雌雄同體 english translation

五月天 雌雄同體 song lyrics
五月天 雌雄同體 translation
PM七點鏡子前的自己 琢磨屬於自己的美麗
I look at myself in front of a mirror at 7pm and wonder about the my beauty.
輕輕刮去嘴角鬍青 畫上我的本性 淡紫色眼影
Shaving the stubble and wearing the violescent eye shadow for my inner self.
粉色雙唇的喃喃自語 嗯~~~啦~~~~
Whispering to myself with my pink lips.[This is a song wrote for LGBTQ people, but the members of Mayday are not LGBTQ people.]

領帶要配蘇格蘭裙 和火一般的羽毛圍巾
Tie should go together with plaid skirt and the boa as red as fire.
只是我仍在反覆考慮 搭配幾號香精 做今晚的內衣
But I'm still revolving about which perfume should be my underwear tonight
即使到最後你還是看不清 即使到最後你還是看不清
But you still cannot figure it out until the end. But you still cannot figure it out until the end

I want you to see me. Don't guess and suspect, but enjoy.
I want you to love me. Don't guess and suspect, but love me.
我可以是男是女 可以飄移不定 可以調整百分比
I can be either male or female. I can change it as I want. I can alternate the percentage.
只要你愛我一切都沒問題 只要你愛我一切都沒問題
If you love me, all the thing will be OK. If you love me, all the thing will be OK.
與其讓你瞭解我 我寧願我是一個謎
I prefer to be a puzzle instead of be understood.

一個解不開的難題 真和假的秘密 扣你心弦的遊戲
I want to be a conundrum, a secret of true and false, and an enthralling game
模仿你或和你變成對比 參加你理想的愛情遊戲
I will become the opposite or the same with you. I will join your ideal game of love.
你也許避我唯恐不及 你也許把我當作異形
Maybe you afriad and envade me. Maybe you view me as a freak.
可是你如何真的確定 靈魂找到自己 的樣貌和身體
But how can you know your soul matchs your appearance and body?

發現自己原來的雌雄同體 發現自己原來的雌雄同體
You will find you are actually an androgyne. You will find you are actually an androgyne.
I want you to see me. Don't guess and suspect, but enjoy.
I want you to love me. Don't guess and suspect, but love me.
我可以是男是女 可以飄移不定 可以調整百分比
I can be either male or female. I can change it as I want. I can alternate the percentage.
只要你愛我一切都沒問題 只要你愛我一切都沒問題
If you love me, all the thing will be OK. If you love me, all the thing will be OK.
PM七點鏡子前的自己 琢磨屬於自己的美麗
I look at myself in front of a mirror at 7pm and wonder about the my beauty.
輕輕刮去嘴角鬍青 畫上我的本性 淡紫色眼影
Shaving the stubble and wearing the violescent eye shadow for my inner self.
粉色雙唇的喃喃自語 嗯~~~啦~~~~
Whispering to myself with my pink lips.[This is a song wrote for LGBTQ people, but the members of Mayday are not LGBTQ people.]