五月天 瘋狂世界 english translation
五月天 瘋狂世界 song lyrics
五月天 瘋狂世界 translation
如果說了後悔 是不是一切就能倒退
If i say that I'v regretted, could everything go back to the start?
回憶多麼美 活著多麼狼狽
So beautiful is the memory, So exhausted is the living
為什麼這個世界 總要叫人嚐傷悲
Why this world made people sad
我不能瞭解 也不想瞭解
I can't understand, and don't want to
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂世界
I really really want to fly, and get away from this insane world
那麼多苦 那麼多累 那麼多莫名的淚水
So much bitterness, So much tiredness, So much inexplicable tears
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂的世界
I really really want to fly, and get away from this insane world
如果是你 發現了我 也別將我挽回
If you happen to find me, please don't get me back
想了你一整夜 再也想不起你的臉
Thinking about you all night, but can't recall your face
你是一種感覺 寫在夏夜晚風裡面
You are a feeling, which is written in the wind of summer night
青春是挽不回的水 轉眼消失在指尖
The young is like the water slip through your finger and can't take back
用力的浪費 再用力的後悔
Waste on the young hard, then regret hard
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂世界
I really really want to fly, and get away from this insane world
那麼多苦 那麼多累 那麼多莫名的淚水
So much bitterness, So much tiredness, So much inexplicable tears
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂的世界
I really really want to fly, and get away from this insane world
如果是你 發現了我 也別將我挽回
If you happen to find me, please don't get me back
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂世界
I really really want to fly, and get away from this insane world
那麼多苦 那麼多累 那麼多莫名的傷悲
So much bitterness, So much tiredness, So much inexplicable tears
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂的世界
I really really want to fly, and get away from this insane world
如果是你 發現了我 也別將我挽回
If you happen to find me, please don't get me back