五月天 入阵曲 english translation

五月天 入阵曲 song lyrics
五月天 入阵曲 translation
當一座城牆 只為了阻擋 所有自由渴望
When a wall stands only to stop all those that thirst for freedom
當一份信仰 再不能抵抗 遍地戰亂饑荒
As a faith is no longer able to fight against wars and famines

蘭陵撩亂茫 天地離人忘
Chaos outbreaks in Lanling, people are separated and forgotten
無畏孤塚葬 只怕蒼生殤
Not afraid of dying lonely, only for the well-being of my fellows.

夜未央 天未亮 我在倖存的沙場
Night remains darkness, dawn remains unseen, I'm now standing on the battlefield of survival
只盼望 此生再 奔向思念的臉龐
All I wish, all for this life, the chance to embrace missed faces
淚未乾 心未涼 是什麼依然在滾燙
Tears not dried, heart not cooled, so what still boils within
入陣曲 伴我無悔的狂妄
The Song of Battle, takes me to the frenzy without regrets

當一份真相 隻手能隱藏 直到人們遺忘
When a truth is able to be hidden till people forget by simple method
寫一頁莽撞 我們的篇章 曾經如此輝煌
Write down a page of recklessness, as our stories were so bright before

丹青千秋釀 一醉解愁腸
Thousands of years breed a history, melancholy faded away with drunkenness
無悔少年枉 只願壯志狂
No regrets for the waste of youth, only by the great ambition to be fulfilled
夜未央 天未亮 我在倖存的沙場
Night remains darkness, dawn remains unseen, I'm now standing on the battlefield of survival
只盼望 此生再 奔向思念的臉龐
All I wish, all for this life, the chance to embrace missed faces
淚未乾 心未涼 是什麼依然在滾燙
Tears not dried, heart not cooled, so what still boils within
入陣曲 伴我無悔的狂妄
The Song of Battle, takes me to the frenzy without regrets

忘不記 原不諒 憤恨無疆
Cannot forget, cannot forgive, boundless rage and overwhelming hatred
肅不清 除不盡 魑魅魍魎
Cannot eliminate, cannot exorcise all, demons and monsters
幼無糧 民無房 誰在分贓
No food for children, no home for people, who's spoiling for the swags
千年後 你我都 仍被豢養
After thousands of years, you and l, still being fed

夜未央 天未亮 我在倖存的沙場
Night remains darkness, dawn remains unseen, I'm now standing on the battlefield of survival
只盼望 此生再 奔向思念的臉龐
All I wish, all for this life, the chance to embrace missed faces
淚未乾 心未涼 是什麼依然在滾燙
Tears not dried, heart not cooled, so what still boils within
入陣曲 四面楚歌誰獨唱
The Song of Battle, who shall sing till last as being utterly isolated

夜已央 天已亮 白晝隱沒了星光
Night has faded away, day has came, sunlight washed away stars
像我們 都終將 葬身歷史的洪荒
Just as we will eventually be forgotten amongst the great tide of history
當世人 都遺忘 我血液曾為誰滾燙
When people forget who my blood once boiled for
入陣曲 伴我無悔的狂妄
The Song of Battle, takes me to the frenzy without regrets

入陣去 只因 恨鐵不成鋼
Join the Battle, for those who failed to fulfil our expectations