五月天 你說那C和弦就是... english translation

五月天 你說那C和弦就是... song lyrics
五月天 你說那C和弦就是... translation
許多年後 學弟也都長大
After several years, our junior have grown up
變成學長 接棒教著吉他
Becoming a senior, teaching awesome guitar
緊張右手 帶著學妹輕刷
Hold the girl's hand with a nervous right hand to teach her how to strum the strings.
沒辦法啊 都是為了教吉他
No other way, it's to teach guitar :p

練好和弦 什麼歌都不怕
If you practice guitar chord well, you can play all songs without fear
學妹都說 學長好棒棒啊
The girl said, "Senior you're awesome"
降 E 和弦 也是沒什麼啦
Playing chord E minor; It's not a problem
副歌之前 就不再炫耀啦
For the part before chorus; No need to brag about it

你說那 C 和弦就是 Do Mi So
You said chord C is Do Mi So
然後 G 和弦會有 Si Re So
Then chord G is Si Re Do
當然了 Am 它就是 La Do Mi
Without doubt chord A minor is La Do Mi
你的和弦 任你選擇 唱出你的自由
No matter what the chord you choose, sing freely

一個單音 多寂寞你會懂
A single note; full of loneliness, you do understand
關於和弦 我們不用多說
Regarding chord, we don't need to talk a lot
還不跟上 你總笑著等我
When I cannot keep up, you always smile waiting for me
人生派對 合唱會是哪一首
Which one is the chorus on the Party of life

一套和弦 什麼難都不怕
No matter how hard the chord is, we are not afraid
強過人生 太多沒有解答
More strong than the life has no any answer too much
高級和弦 反正不用錢啦
Anyway, high-level chords are gratis
華麗共鳴 世界全都哭啦
Gorgeous resonance that all the world crying

你說那 C 和弦就是 Do Mi So
You said chord C is Do Mi So
然後那 G 和弦會有 Si Re So
Then chord G is Si Re Do
當然了 Am 它就是 La Do Mi
Without doubt chord A minor is La Do Mi
我說學長 為什麼 還握著學妹的手?
I say, "Senior why you still hold on the girl's hand?"

你無憂 像一套明亮 Do Mi So
Carefree of you likes a bright Do Mi So
你溫柔 如走在風中 Si Re So
Tender of you likes walk in the wind Si Re So
悲傷時 還有我陪你 La Do Mi
When you sad, I always accompany you La Do Mi
你的和弦 沒有人管 唱出你的自由
Even if nobody care about your chord, sing freely

你的和弦 任你選擇 唱出你的自由
No matter what the chord you choose, sing freely