ワルキューレ/(美雲ΔJUNNA/フレイアΔ鈴木みのり/カナメΔ安野希世乃/レイナΔ東山奈央/マキナΔ西田望見) 僕らの戦場 english translation
ワルキューレ/(美雲ΔJUNNA/フレイアΔ鈴木みのり/カナメΔ安野希世乃/レイナΔ東山奈央/マキナΔ西田望見) 僕らの戦場 song lyrics
ワルキューレ/(美雲ΔJUNNA/フレイアΔ鈴木みのり/カナメΔ安野希世乃/レイナΔ東山奈央/マキナΔ西田望見) 僕らの戦場 translation
If you've managed to glimpse that blip in the sky
If you've managed to hear my shaking voice
Fly up, high enough to be ripped to pieces
Upon the eternal wings of torn memories
あの日 語り合ったこと
The things we talked about that day
いつも 笑い合えたこと
The things we could always laugh about together
よみがえる日まで 立ち上がるだけ
Until the day those times can be revived, our only choice is to take stand!
壊して もっと もっと 僕を感じて
Break it apart, and feel more and more!
そこに そこに 君はいますか
Are you there , there amid it all?
戦場に咲く命よ 燃えろ 燃えろ
Ahh, lives blooming upon the battlefield; Burn on! Burn on!
殺して いっそ いっそ 朽ち果てるなら
If by killing, we're destined to perish anyway
たぎれ たぎれ 破滅の果てに
Seethe, seethe onward to the ends of destruction!
奇跡を呼び覚ませ 閉ざされた空へ
Awaken a miracle-on our way to that closed off sky!
Amidst innumerable sensations flying about
You'll risk losing even your truest self
Under the concentrated fire of unseen doubts
The way to victory is having the strenght to admit you're weak
もしも 僕じゃなかったら
If you hadn't been you
もしも 君じゃなかったら
And I hadn't been me
こんな気持ちさえ 知らずにいたね
We'd have never come to know this feeling!
切り裂け もっと もっと 正義の闇へ
Cut through, closer and closer to the dark side of justice!
はしれ はしれ 灰になるまで
Run on, run on- until you're reduced to ash;
理屈を捨てて心で 吠えろ 吠えろ
Abandon all reason and let out a roar from your heart!
断ち切れ やがて やがて 生まれる銀河(ほし)に
Sever those ties; if you can eventually be there with me
君が 君が居てくれるなら
In the new galaxy that will be born
僕らのかがやきは 無敵にもなれる
Our brilliance could become unrivaled
右にならえと 誰もが今日を生きてる
Everyone is trying to survive following the lead of others
もどかしさに 理由もないまま
Knowing not the reason for their frustrations
But rather than living on as if we we're alredy dead
We'll let our red blood flow...and bear our fangs-
That's our proof that we're truly alive!
壊して もっと もっと 僕を感じて
Break it apart, and feel more and more!
そこに そこに君は居ますか
Are you there, there amid it all?
戦場に咲く命よ 燃えろ 燃えろ
Ahh, lives blooming upon the battlefield; Burn on! Burn on!
殺して いっそ いっそ 朽ち果てるなら
If by killing, we're destined to perish anyway
たぎれ たぎれ 破滅の果てに
Seethe, seethe onward to the ends of destruction!
奇跡を呼び覚ませ 閉ざされた空へ
Awaken a miracle-on our way to that closed off sky!