チマメ隊 ぽっぴんジャンプ♪ english translation

チマメ隊 ぽっぴんジャンプ♪ song lyrics
チマメ隊 ぽっぴんジャンプ♪ translation
ぽっぴんジャンプ せーのっ!で
Poppin' Jump Ready Set
ラッタッタ 行きましょ!
Rat-a-tat! Let's go run!

When I take this path a spring breeze swings by
いつもの笑顔に きっと会えるね
I'll be able to find all our smiles as usual

苺パフェもいいけど カフェラテ気分です
I like a strawberry parfait but am in a mood for Caffè Latte
トキメキの更新は 毎日したい
I want to renew this excitement every single day

Is it sweet, sour or bitter?
Let's believe in our instincts and go

せーので ぽっぴんジャンプ 一緒なら
Ready set Poppin' Jump As long as we're together
Everything sounds fun!
夢みる音符みたい ドキドキが届く
My heart skips a beat like a dreaming note
はっぴーステップ 笑顔で
Happy Step - with a smile
ラッタッタ 駆け出そう
Rat-a-tat! Let's go run!
There's one sunny day after another
So we're moving straight to glittering lights

青空と雲みたい マーブル模様
It's a marble pattern like a combination of blue sky and clouds
重なる気持ちで 輝くセカイ
The world begins to shine with overwhelming feelings

しゅわしゅわサイダー達の イタズラはじけて
As the mischief of bubbles popped out of the soda
目覚めた始まりに ワクワクしてる
We got excited from now on in a new brand story

Be honest in our curiosity
I wonder what I can't give up

先へと ぽっぴんジャンプ 飛び込んで
Go forward with a Poppin' Jump
Dive in and take hold of the luck
あれもこれも全部 カラフルにしちゃえ
Make all this and that colorful and splendid
すてっぴんストップ 休憩も
Steppin' Stop - taking a break
Is important, isn't it?
深呼吸で集めた しあわせの風景 ギュッてしたい
The pieces of landscape from where I take a deep breath. I want to hold them

キミへと ぽっぴんジャンプ 一緒なら
I'm going to you on a poppin' jump As long as we're together
Let's go for an adventure a little longer
夢みる音符はじけて ドキドキと急ぐ
Making our notes bounce off, we run through the excitement
はっぴーステップ 笑顔で
Happy Step - with a smile
ラッタッタ もっともっと
Rat-a-tat! More and more!
There's one sunny day after another
So we're moving straight to glittering lights

ぽっぴんジャンプ せーのっ!で
Poppin' Jump Ready Set
ラッタッタ もっともっと
Rat-a-tat! More and more!

ぽっぴんジャンプ はじけて
Poppin' Jump Getting loose
ラッタッタ 楽しいね
Rat-a-tat! It's so fun!