シャ乱Q シングルベッド english translation

シャ乱Q シングルベッド song lyrics
シャ乱Q シングルベッド translation
流行の唄も歌えなくて ダサイはずのこの俺
Not singing the latest songs, no wonder I'm out of style
おまえと離れ 一年が過ぎ いい男性になったつもりが
In the year we've been apart, I decided to be a better man
Nevertheless, even if I dress fashionably and change my car
おシャレをしても 車替えても 結局変化もないまま
the vulnerable (exposed) heart I've always had will never change
早く忘れるはずの ありふれた別れを
Though I thought I would forget our parting
the melody from that time makes me remember

In a single bed, when I held both you and my dream we could laugh together
くだらない事だって 二人で笑えたね
even at silly little things
今夜の風の香りは あの頃と同じで
With the fragrance of the wind the same as it was then,
it's as if it wouldn't be so painful
to fall in love again

寄り道みたいな始まりが 二年も続いたあの恋
Our love started out like a short detour yet lasted two years
初めてお前抱いた夜ほら 俺の方が震えてたね
The night I first held you I was quivering more than you
恋は石ころよりも あふれてると思ってた
I thought love would be more common than stones
なのにダイヤモンドより 見つけられない
But it's harder to find than diamonds...

シングルベッドで二人 涙拭いてた頃
In a single bed, when we wiped each other's tears
we bet on who would be the one to break it off
あの頃にもどれるなら お前を離さない
If I could go back to that time, then I wouldn't let you go

In a single bed, when I held both you and my dream we could laugh together
くだらない事だって 二人で笑えたね
even at silly little things
今夜の風の香りは あの頃と同じで
With the fragrance of the wind the same as it was then,
it's as if it wouldn't be so painful
あぁ 辛くないのに Wo…
it wouldn't be so painful, Wo...