りぶ ヨンジュウナナ english translation
りぶ ヨンジュウナナ song lyrics
りぶ ヨンジュウナナ translation
少女の声が 自分の名を呼んでる
A girl's voice calling out my name
夢を見ていた 覚めることない夢を
As i dreamt a dream i couldn't awaken from
涙の数が人を強くする なんて
They say that more tears you shed, the stornger you become
それは逆でしょ 挫けそうになる
But that's wrong you only break apart
(Help me)
夜中の公園 120円のひととき
In the park at midnight, alone time that costs 120 yen
そわそわしてる もうこれ癖になってる
My constatnt fidgeting has become quite a bad habit
メイク落とした 顔が本当の自分
Wiping off my make-up, showing my true face
気付かれないよに 気付いて欲しかった
So that i won't be noticed, and yet i wanted to be
If it was allowed, i would
Want to meet that person again, just once more
If i become the brightest star would you
Notice me, i wonder?
笑って 笑って 頬が痛くなるまで
Laugh, laugh, 'till my cheeks begin to pain
So i don't betray the dream i saw that day
君が 君が そばにいてくれたら
If you, if you, could be by my side
黙って 今の自分を 叱って欲しい
I'd want you to silently scold me
自覚しなくちゃ これはお仕事なんだと
I have to open my eyes and realise that this is "work"
面白いから 私に向いてるかな
Am i doing well? Am i suited to it?
背中に背負った 純白の翼は
The snow white wings i carry on my back
あの頃とは違う ただの衣装だった
Are different to that time - these are just props
In this night that seems to swallow all
If i could meet you once again
Like a child afraid of the dark
君に隠れても いいですか
Would it be alright if i hid behind you?
歌って 歌って 胸が苦しくなるまで
Sing, sing, until my chest feels tight
So that i don't betray these expectations again
君が 君が そばにいてくれたら
If you, if you, could be by my side
黙って 抱きしめてほしい
I'd want you to silently hold me
群衆の中で見つけた 冷めない夢の原因を
In the crowd, i saw the cause of my never-ending dreams
こんなところで会うなんて どんな顔すればいいの
I didn't think we'd meet here What experession should i make?
握ったその手 わずかに震えてた
The hand i grasped was shaking just slightly
これで終わりって 言わないで 行かないで
Don't say it that this is the end, don't go away
ほらね やっぱり 胸が苦しくなったよ
See just as i thought my chest feels tight
思いが 溢れて 押し潰されそうだ
My feelings ran wild I feel they'll be crushed down
I can't bring back the past, ever again
わかってる さぁ
I know that OK
笑って 笑って 頬が痛くなるまで
Laugh, laugh, 'till my cheeks begin to pain
So i don't betray the dream i saw that day
君が 君が 今でも 好きだよ
I still, i still, even now, love you
例えどんな未来が 二人を切り裂いても
Even if the future will tear us to pieces
(I'm fine)