ゆず Hyouriittai english translation
ゆず Hyouriittai song lyrics
ゆず Hyouriittai translation
Woo woo
朝をむさぼり 夜を吐き出し
Devouring the mornings and spitting out the nights
生かんとする 我が性(さが)
My nature is doubtful
沸き立つ この感情は 白か 黒か
This feeling that boils up inside of me, is it white or black
目指す未来と 置いてけぼりにしてきた過去
The future that I aim for and the past that I left behind
ねじれながら ぐるぐると つながっている
Twisting together, round and round, they're connected
過ぎゆく螺旋に 目を細めて
Squinting my eyes at the helixes passing by
不思議な夢から 身を乗り出した
I leaned forward from my strange dream
表裏一体 指で弾くコインが 宙(そら)に舞う
Two sides of the same coins, the coin that I flipped flies into the sky
僕はいったい どっちの結末 願う
Just which ending will I wish for
表裏一体 光 輝くほど 濃くなる 影
Two sides of the same coin, the brighter the light, the darker the shadow
ならば どこへと 向かってゆく
If that's so, then where will I go
The two futures came together
Woo woo
偶然を騙(かた)る 必然 つながる 分かれ道
The inevitable masquerading as a coincidence, the divergent paths that come together
どこまでも いつまでも ついてくる 影
The shadow that follows me everywhere, forever
飲み込むのか 照らしだすのか
Will I take it in or illuminate it
抗(あらが)うのか 全てを赦(ゆる)すのか
Resist it or forgive it all
光 暗闇 愛情 憎悪
Light and darkness, love and hate
同じ根を持つ 強い感情
They're all powerful emotions with the same roots
記憶の彼方に 手を伸ばして
Reach out a hand to the ends of my memory
君のいる場所へと そっと誘(いざな)って
And quietly invite me to go where you are
表裏一体 やがて全て消えゆく定めと知った
Two sides of the same coin, I learned that everything is fated to eventually disappear
故に絶対 この手だけは離さない
So I'll never let go of this hand
盛者必衰 赤に染まる 浅緋(うすあけ)色の衝動
Even the prosperous must decay, the pale pink impulses are dyed red
鎖を 断ち切って 目覚める 今
Breaking out of the chains and awakening now
見るんだ 確かな 世界
I'll see a definite world
陰と陽のはざまで 鼓動だけを 聴いている
Caught between yin and yang, I'm just listening to the beat
点と線よ 繋がれ 失った日々のレクイエム
May the dots and lines connect, a requiem for the lost days
表裏一体 指で弾くコインが 宙(そら)に舞う
Two sides of the same coins, the coin that I flipped flies into the sky
僕はいったい どっちの結末 願う
Just which ending will I wish for
表裏一体 光 輝くほど 濃くなる 影
Two sides of the same coin, the brighter the light, the darker the shadow
消せない 過去さえ 瞳そらさない
I won't avert my eyes from even the indelible past
消え逝(ゆ)く螺旋に 目を凝らして
Focusing my gaze on the helixes dying away
交差した光と影 一瞬の瞬(またた)き
The light and shadow intersected in a moment's flicker
いっそこのままに 時を綴(と)じて
Binding the time just like this
The two futures came together
Woo woo