محمد عبده انا حبيبي english translation
محمد عبده انا حبيبي song lyrics
محمد عبده انا حبيبي translation
انا حبيبي بسمته تخجل الضي
Me, My love's smile makes the light shy
يكسف سنا بدر الدجى من جبينه
Eclipses the moon from her/his forehead
راعي العيون الناعسه رمشها في
Her eyelashes makes everyone go wild
وان سلهمت ذاب الحشا من حنينه
If you break up with her, you'll burn from missing her
له نظرة لا هي سراب ولا مي
Her sight isn't a mirage or a dream
راعي الهوى تفنى وراها سنينه
A lover's years can go like a wind if he is with her
نور الصبايا بسمة الدار والحي
Her smile can light the lamps of the neighbourhood and house
نوره ولا شمس الضحى تستبينه
Her light not even the sun can show it (She's beutfiul that her light is that bright)
دامه معي اغلى الحبايب فانا حي
If she is with me then I don't friends to make me alive.
بالقلب اضمه يوم قلبي ضنينه
With my heart I hug her
له في ضميري من لهيب الوله كي
Her memory is in my conscience lighting up (in love)
روحي معه عذب المناجى رهينه
My soul is locked in her soul
ياصاحبي لا تنشد الروح عن شي
O' my friend don't talk about my soul
انا حبيبي نور كل المدينه
My love's light, lights every city