كاظم الساهر المحكمة english translation
كاظم الساهر المحكمة song lyrics
كاظم الساهر المحكمة translation
كن منصفا يا سيدي القاضي .
Be fair m.r judge
ذنبي انا رجل له ماضي (2)
my only fault is i'm a man with a history
تلك التي أمامك الآن... كانت لدي أعز إنسانة
i adored her. - adored me ? you destroyed me. you neglected me. you are my suffering. you are my sadness. but i forget his cruelty and told him. my love forget about the past and kiss me. kiss me between your arms . I'm everything and i own your present and future
أحببتها وهي أحبتني
i loved her and she loved me
صدقا جميع الهم أنستني .صارحتها وقلت مولاتي: كثيرة كانت علاقاتي
honestly i forget my problems with her .. i was honest and i told her how much it was my relationships
قالت: حبيبي دع الماضي وقبلني قبلني بين ذراعيك انا .انا انا انا الكل وانا لي الحاضر والآتي
she said: my love forget about the past and kiss me. kiss me between your arms . I'm everything and i own your present and future
كن منصفا يا سيدي القاضي .تخونني لغتي وألفاظي
be fair m.r judge. my words fail me as my language
تن الذي امامك الآن .اشبعني ظلما وحرمانا .انا حالة فعلا لها يرثى حتى نسيت بأنني انثى
i adored her. - adored me ? you destroyed me. you neglected me. you are my suffering. you are my sadness. but i forget his cruelty and told him. my love forget about the past and kiss me. kiss me between your arms . I'm everything and i own your present and future
دللتها .دللتني .دمرتني انت .اهملتني انت انت انت عبابي انت انت همومي ونسيت قسوته وقلت له: حبيبيييي دع الماضي وقبلني قبلنييي بين ذراعيك انا انا انا انااا الكل وانا وانا لي الحاضر والآتي
be fair m.r judge. my words fail me as my language
مر الزماااان تغيرت تمردت تجبرت وتكبرت ...صبري الجميل تجاوز الصبر
The time goes by. she changed. She rebelled. she crumbled and Compromised. my patience Exceeded all patience.
لغة الحوار تحولت جمرا .فإن رأتني جنبها سارحا فورا تصير امرأة أخرى!
i adored her. - adored me ? you destroyed me. you neglected me. you are my suffering. you are my sadness. but i forget his cruelty and told him. my love forget about the past and kiss me. kiss me between your arms . I'm everything and i own your present and future
غيرتها مرض يوسوس لي فعلا أحن لذلك الماضي .اطلق يدي يا سيدي القاضي .حرر يدي حرر يدياااا .
her jealousy is sickness affecting me. i really miss my past. release my hands m.r judge. release them.
الله على سهراته الكبرى .يوما أراه ويختفي شهراا .عذرا يناقض سيدي عذرا .من بيت صاحبة الى أخرى
dear god when he stay late out. i see him one day and he disappear for a month. excuses Inconsistent. from a girls home to another.
فالشلة الأولى اعادته لظلاله وضياعه الماضي .كن منصفا كن منصفا ياااااااا سيدي القاضي
his old friends. take him back. to the perversion and rot of his past. be fair m.r judge. be fair.