מוקי ילד של אבא english translation

מוקי ילד של אבא song lyrics
מוקי ילד של אבא translation
Yeled shel aba, Al ma ata cholem?
daddy's child, what are you dreaming of?
Ma bo'er lecha ba'lev?
what is burning in your heart?
ve'Kama tov she'bata, Be'yachad ze shalem
and how good it is that you came to visit, together it's whole again
Be'eynaim she'ro'ot hakol
in those eyes that see everything
Ein shum davar ko'ev
there's no pain
Shanim zolgot kmo mayim
years go by like water
Yashar le'shum makom
straight to no where
Larutz rachok, Li'hiyot karov
to run away, to be close
Yom hofech le'layla ve'layla shuv le'yom
day turns into night, and night back into day
Lehachzik chazak ve'leolam lo la'azov
to hold you close and never let go

Ki zman lo otzer
because time never stops
Hu af, nisraf, masach ashan
it flies, burns, a screen of smoke
Heye le'ilan
become a tree
Tfos yare'ach, Shut al anan,
catch a moon, float on a cloud
ve'Ze ha'zman shelcha lizroch
and it's your time to shine
ve'Lada'at ve'laga'at be'hakol
and to know and to touch everything
Litrof et ha'olam al tefached lipol
to devour the world, don't be afraid to fall
Yeled sheli, Hakol mechake rak lecha
my child, everything's waiting just for you
ve'Aba kan tamid lechebek ve'lishmor otcha
and daddy's always here, to hug and keep you safe
Ad sof ha'olam ani lo ozev otcha
untill the end of the world im not leaving your side
Yeled sheli, Lech rak ba'derech shelcha
my child, go only in your way

Yeled shel aba, Roe becha oti
daddy's child, I see me in you
Et ha'yeled she'raiti be'atzmi
the boy that I used to be myself
ve'Kol ma she'kore lecha
and everything that happens to you
Margish ke'ilu li
i feel like happens to me
Lilmod shuv mechadash ma ani umi
to learn again from scratch what and who I am
Kadima ve'hala'a, Hakol nimtza becha
on and on, everything's in you
ve'Kol yom chadhash hu havtacha
and every new day is a promise
ba'Olam haze yesh tza'ar
there's pain in this world
Kmo sheyesh simcha
like there's happiness
Ten la'ahava shelcha lehovil otcha
let your love lead you on your way

Ki zman lo otzer
because time never stops
Hu af, nisraf, masach ashan
it flies, burns, a screen of smoke
Heye le'ilan
become a tree
Tfos yare'ach, Shut al anan,
catch a moon, float on a cloud
ve'Ze ha'zman shelcha lizroch
and it's your time to shine
ve'Lada'at ve'laga'at be'hakol
and to know and to touch everything
Litrof et ha'olam al tefached lipol
to devour the world, don't be afraid to fall
Yeled sheli, Hakol mechake rak lecha
my child, everything's waiting just for you
ve'Aba kan tamid lechebek ve'lishmor otcha
and daddy's always here, to hug and keep you safe
Ad sof ha'olam ani lo ozev otcha
untill the end of the world im not leaving your side
Yeled sheli, Lech rak ba'derech shelcha
my child, go only in your way