Zone secret base ~君がくれたもの~ english translation
Zone secret base ~君がくれたもの~ song lyrics
Zone secret base ~君がくれたもの~ translation
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢 大きな希望 忘れない
The end of summer with you, the dreams of the future and our big hope, I won't forget them.
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
i believe that we will meet again in August 10 years later
the best memories...
出会いは ふっとした 瞬間 帰り道の交差点で 声をかけてくれたね "一緒に帰ろう"
Our meeting was made in a moment at the intersection walking home.You called out to me, didn't you? "Let's go home together."
僕は 照れくさそうに カバンで顔を隠しながら 本当は とても とても 嬉しかったよ
While I embarrassedly hid my face with my bag,In truth, I was very, very happy.
あぁ 花火が夜空 きれいに咲いて ちょっとセツナク
Ah, the way the fireworks beautifully bloom in the sky is a bit lonely.
あぁ 風が時間とともに 流れる
Ah, the wind flows along with time.
嬉しくって 楽しくって 冒険も いろいろしたね
So happy, having so much fun, we had so many adventures
二人の 秘密の 基地の中
Inside the secret base that belonged to the two of us.
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢 大きな希望 忘れない
The end of summer with you, the dreams of the future and our big hope, I won't forget them.
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
i believe that we will meet again in August 10 years later
君が最後まで 心から "ありがとう" 叫んでたこと 知ってたよ
I knew that you screamed "Thank You" from the bottom of your heart till the very end
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら せつないよね
A goodbye when you hold back your tears and smile is lonely, isn't it.
the best memories...
あぁ 夏休みも あと少しで 終わっちゃうから
Ah, summer break will be over in a little longer too, so
あぁ 太陽と月 仲良くして
Ah, the sun and moon get along.
悲しくって 寂しくって 喧嘩も いろいろしたね
So sad, so lonely, we had so many fights
二人の 秘密の 基地の中
Inside the secret base that belonged to the two of us.
君が最後まで 心から "ありがとう" 叫んでたこと 知ってたよ
I knew that you screamed "Thank You" from the bottom of your heart till the very end
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら せつないよね
A goodbye when you hold back your tears and smile is lonely, isn't it.
the best memories...
突然の 転校で どうしようもなく
There's nothing I can do about the sudden change of schools
手紙 書くよ 電話もするよ 忘れないでね 僕のことを
So I'll write letters, I'll call you, so please don't forget about me
いつまでも 二人の 基地の中
Forever, inside the secret base that belonged to the two of us.
君と夏の終わり ずっと話して 夕日を見てから星を眺め
I was talking to you for so long at the end of summer after we watched the sunset, we gaze at the stars
君の頬を 流れた涙は ずっと忘れない
I will never forget the teardrops that flowed down your cheeks
君が最後まで 大きく手を振ってくれたこと きっと忘れない
I'm sure I will never forget that you waved your hand with all your strength to the end
だから こうして 夢の中で ずっと永遠に…
So let me be inside this dream like this for eternity...
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢 大きな希望 忘れない
The end of summer with you, the dreams of the future and our big hope, I won't forget them.
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
i believe that we will meet again in August 10 years later
君が最後まで 心から "ありがとう" 叫んでたこと 知ってたよ
I knew that you screamed "Thank You" from the bottom of your heart till the very end
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら せつないよね
A goodbye when you hold back your tears and smile is lonely, isn't it.
the best memories...
the best memories...