Ziana Zain Tiada Jodoh Antara Kita english translation
Ziana Zain Tiada Jodoh Antara Kita song lyrics
Ziana Zain Tiada Jodoh Antara Kita translation
Mungkin ada rahmatnya
maybe its a blessing
Kita tidak bersama
we arent together
Andainya diteruskan
for if we had continued
Apakah kesudahan
what would be the outcome
Itulah ucapanmu
thats your saying
Di hujung pertemuan.
at the end of our meeting
Kuat mana diikat
no matter how tight u tie
Pasti akan terlucut
its bound to go loose
Andai disambung lagi
if you continue from where you left off
Tidak sekuat dulu
it would never be as strong as it once was
Kerana cuma aku yang menarik
cos its only me who is grasping this end tightly
Bukan lagi tanganmu...
no longer do your hands
Tak guna mendustai
no point lying
Pada diri sendiri
to your own self
Sedangkan rindu itu
especially since being missing
Sering mengganggu.
is always interrupted
Salah usah dicari
bother nòt in finding flaws
Seharusnya berdua
when rightfully we should be as a couple
Kita menghadapi menanganinya...
we should face it and overcome
Pada zahir tidak terlihat
in plain sight we see not
Ada garis yang terbentang
a scar has been left
Tapi batinku sering berkata
but my soul often says
Biar ada batasannya.
let there be a limit to everything
Walau tidak di sini
even though it wont be here
Cinta kita bersemi
that our love will blossom
Berkat keyakinanku
my believe and the faith i have
Dan doa kupohonkan
together with my prayers
Moga diperkenankan
hopefully will allow
Dipertemukan suatu masa nanti...
us to cross paths again someday
(Suatu masa nanti.oh.oh.)
someday oh oh