Zahara Hágase Tu Voluntad english translation

Zahara Hágase Tu Voluntad song lyrics
Zahara Hágase Tu Voluntad translation
La revelación de tu voluntad
The revelation of your will
No ha llegado a sus oídos y no deja derrotar.
Hasn't reached their ears and it doesn't let them defeat

Dueña y señora de su malestar
Owner and mistress of their discomfort
Pondrá fin a su plegaria cuando sepa tu verdad.
Will put an end to their pleading when she knows your truth.

Sálvala, tú eres el centro de su oración,
Save her, you are the center of her heart,
siempre está atenta.
she's always alert.
Libérala, saca su corazón,
Release her, remove her heart,
deja secarlo al sol, late tan lento, tan lento, ¡apágalo!
let it dry under the sun, it beats so slowly, so slowly, turn it off!

Es duro aprender a vivir sin la fe,
It's hard to learn how to live without the faith,
de aquella que siempre ha dormido a tus pies.
of her who has always slept by your feet.

Sálvala, tú eres el centro de su oración,
Save her, you are the center of her heart,
siempre está atenta.
she's always alert.
Libérala, saca su corazón, deja secarlo al Sol,
Release her, remove her heart, let it dry under the sun,
late tan lento, tan lento, ¡apágalo!
it beats so slowly, so slowly, turn it off!

Tú que has sido capaz de multiplicar el pan,
You were able to multiply the bread,
has caminado sobre el agua, nos salvaste del mal.
have walked over the water, you saved us from the bad.
Tú que has sido capaz de mover montañas,
You were able to move mountains,
calmaste la tempestad.
you calmed the storm.

Sálvala, tú eres el centro de su oración,
Save her, you are the center of her heart,
siempre está atenta.
she's always alert.
Destrozalá, saca su corazón, deja secarlo al Sol,
Destroy her, remove her heart, let it dry under the sun
late tan lento, tan lento, ¡apágalo!
it beats so slowly, so slowly, turn it off!