Yuki さよならバイスタンダー english translation

Yuki さよならバイスタンダー song lyrics
Yuki さよならバイスタンダー translation
The sound of trains running near the riverside
The color of sunflower, hanging their heads in the bloom
The sunset paints a stripped borderline
The more i hear you say, "thank you"
Why does it make me feel life i wanna cry?
It's as if i were a kid again
I thought I'd stored my tears away in the refridgerator
勝ってうれしい はないちもんめ あの娘がほしい
But better than anyone, i know the value of the one I desire!

さよならバイスタンダー 僕らは歩いて行く
Farewell, Bystander! We'll start walking from here
この道行きの最後が 天国か そこらじゃあないとしても
No matter if this road will take us to heaven or somewhere not even close
I want to laugh with you and stand by your side, just as you are!
誇らしさとか 願いとか 希望とか
I'll gather up all our pride, wishes, and dreams
もっと ずっと 持ち合わせとくよ
Keeping them in abundance, always on hand!
こわくて こわくて こわくて沈みそうでも
Even if I'm scared, so scared - to the point I'm about to go under
I'll make a promise to you

In a rusted, ravaged shelter
I tried to hide myself again and again
But I couldn't hide my head without my behind sticking out
Things that seems obvious aren't actually so simple
And talent isn't something that's born out of nowhere
The reason why is already set in stone
Sweat runs from my brow into my eyes, stinging
負けてくやしい はないちもんめ あの娘じゃあわからん
But there's no way I could ever pay with this one!

さよならバイスタンダー 今まで歩いてきた
Farewell, Bystander! We've walked this far
つたない文字の無邪気な足取りが 間違いだらけだとしても
Even if the simplified pace of our clumsy writing is full of mistakes!
夜は明けた 大きな声で叫ぶよ
I'll declare in a loud void, "the night has come to an end!"
慎ましさとか 孤独とか 空しさを
Learning more about humility, loneliness, and emptiness
We'll go on to be even more loved
こわくて こわくて こわくて投げ出したくても
Even if I'm scared, so scared - wishing I could throw it all away
僕は 僕に誓うよ
I'll make a promise to myself!

さよならバイスタンダー 僕らは歩いて行く
Farewell, Bystander! We'll start walking from here
この道行きの最後が 天国か そこらじゃあないとしても
No matter if this road will take us to heaven or somewhere not even close
I want to laugh with you and stand by your side, just as you are!
誇らしさとか 願いとか 希望とか
I'll gather up all our pride, wishes, and dreams
もっと ずっと 持ち合わせとくよ
Keeping them in abundance, always on hand!
守るよ 守るよ 僕の全てを捧げ
I'll protect you, I'll protect you - I'll offer you my everything!
目の前の君に 誓うよ
I swear it, with you standing here before my eyes!