Yiyo Sarante Pirata english translation

Yiyo Sarante Pirata song lyrics
Yiyo Sarante Pirata translation
mireme soy aquel pirata del amor
look at me, I am that pirate of love
que navegue corazones
sail hearts
en barcos de papel
in paper boats
hasta que llegue a tu playa
until I get to your beach
y en tu arena undi mis anclas
and in your sand sink my archors
para robarle a tu piel
to steal your skin
un amanecer
a sunrise
pero mi barco se undio
but my boat was destruyed
en tus olas de miel
into your honey waves
y tu salistre fundio
and your salistre fuse
mi galfio de metal
my metal galfio
tu aresifre sue mi cama
you my dream,my bed
y a mi norte di la espalda
and i turned my back
y a tu puerto me entregue
and give me your port
y a tu puerto me entregue
and give me your port
y cuando mas me importabas
and when i cared more
te marchaste sin palabras
you left without words
solo quisiera que siempre
i just wish i always
will you remember

cuanto te amaba
how much i loved you
no tomaste mi amor en serio
you didn't take my love in serious
cuanto te amaba
how much i loved you
con el eco de tu aliento sobrevivo
With the echo of your surviving breath
cuanto pensaba en ti
How much I was thinking about you
cuanto llore por ti
How much I cry for you
y solo sal de tu playa quedo
And only get out of your beach, I'll stay
resultaste ser pirata
You turned out to be a pirate
mucho mas que yo
Much more than me

y auque tu galfio me hirio
And that your galfio hurtED me
aun yo sigo aqui
I'm still here
busco mi sol sin dejar
I search for my sun without leaving
de pensar en ti
To think of you
y hoy regresas a mi vida
And today you come back to my life
dibujando una sonrriza
Drawing a smile
como si nada paso
Like nothing happened
como si nada paso
Like nothing happened
pero ya es tarde pirata
But it's late pirate
mis velas fueron risadas
My candles were laughed
solo quisiera que siempre recordaras
I just want you to always remember