XPDC Bahalol english translation
XPDC Bahalol song lyrics
XPDC Bahalol translation
Bingai lagi hidup ini
Bingai again this life
Nak cari makan susah sangat
Want to find food is so hard
Mahu ronda kota raya
Want to patrol the city
Lepak kejap pasar budaya
Take a glimpse of the cultural market
Dan toleh kanan toleh kiri
And turn right turn left
Nampak batang hidung sendiri
It looks like the nose itself
Banyak susah cari makan
Many are hard to find food
Semuanya ada halangan
There are all obstacles
Orang buncit makan daging
Fat man eat meat
Yang kurus makan ikan masin
The thinner eat salted fish
Apa punya bahalol dia
What a fool he is
Kasi orang pijak kepala
Make people step on his head
Orang putih sudah balik
The white people are back
Kini tinggal yang hitam putih
Now left the black and white
biar papa asal bergaya
let be poor be stylish
Bukan musim bukan action
Not season Not action
Tak tahu bertanya
Dont know ask
Sesat jalan nanti meraba
Lost the way become stress
Tepuk dada tanya selera
Slap chest ask apetit
Tutup mata pekak telinga
Close eyes deaf ears