UVERworld Lump Of Affection english translation
UVERworld Lump Of Affection song lyrics
UVERworld Lump Of Affection translation
I turn on the TV for the first time in a long time and see the crazy NEWS
SadなKids達がNetで集い 手に手を取ってRoofからFlight
Sad Kids gather on the net And hand in hand take flight from the roof
From the screen comes this tragedy
And like watching a movie, it slips through my memories
挙句 響かぬ思い 心は痛まず
In the end, it doesn't resonate, my heart doesn't ache
I pretend to sympathize
日々の嘯く 天 健在
The days' exaggeration, good health
意味の無い存在 それがFree Style
A meaningless existence, that's free style
過去に此処に立った"a genius(天才)"も関係無い
The genius who stood here in the past doesn't matter
Writing an illustration of my own feelings
The usual blue morning
まさに 終止符打つこと出来る今から
Now I can place a period at the end
膨大なcrew(仲間)芽生えと願う yes!!
I wish to sprout with my growing crew, yes!!
愛という言葉へ繋ごう 愛という言葉へ繋ごう
Join to the word love, join to the word love
手を繋ごう 手を差し出すだけでいい
Join hands, just hold out your hand
I'll catch hold of it
WestもEastも関係ない 抱きしめたなら全部分かるから
West and east don't matter, if we embrace, you'll understand everything
肌で感じて それを素直に
Feel it with your skin and then meekly
Join to the word love
Join to Lump of affection (愛のカタマリに繋がれ)
Join to lump of affection
ハハ! 笑わせんじゃねーぞ母 ヤツは自ずと腐った訳ではなく
Haha! Don't make me laugh, Mom, he didn't go bad of his own accord
You never even realized he was being crushed by his parents' egos and expectations
時代にひとり送られ そこは…
You sent him alone out into the world and there...
金が愛に勝る時代 それ自体理解出来ない状態で
It's a world where money beats love, and he can't understand that
He tries to keep his presence of mind, but he's washed away by the times
There he makes friends and runs wild
過去の清算 押し寄せる誤算
Liquidating the past, pushing aside miscalculations
It's somewhere far from your dreams...
愛という言葉へ繋ごう 愛という言葉へ繋ごう
Join to the word love, join to the word love
手を繋ごう 手を差し出すだけでいい
Join hands, just hold out your hand
I'll catch hold of it
WestもEastも関係ない そんな人道は此処で消化して
West and east don't matter, digest that part of humanity here
肌で感じて それを素直に
Feel it with your skin and then meekly
Join to the word love
Join to Lump of affection
Join to Lump of affection
Jojn to Lump of affection
Join to Lump of affection
Join to Lump of affection
Join to Lump of affection
Join to Lump of affection yeah,
Join to Lump of affection yeah
A future that only reflects the warped pessimists
And a crowd of people under control
There's no time that won't fade
All that I heard shoutin' from your heart(俺が耳にした君の心の叫びのすべて)
All that I heard shoutin' from your heart
I find out about your destiny(君の運命を探そう)
I find out about your destiny
I find out about your destiny
I find out about your destiny
I get back your memory(君の記憶を取り戻すよ)
I get back your memory
I want you shinin' for my love(僕の愛に輝いていて欲しいから)
I want you shinin' for my love