U.K'S Di Sana Menanti Di Sini Menunggu english translation
U.K'S Di Sana Menanti Di Sini Menunggu song lyrics
U.K'S Di Sana Menanti Di Sini Menunggu translation
Seumur hidup aku
All of my life
Ini yang pertama
This is the first time
Pintu hatiku diketuk
my heart's got knocked
Oleh dua wanita
By two girls
Punyai ciri selama ini ku cari
they were the girls that i looking for
Berbeza wajah ayunya tetap asli
different faces but originally beauty
Kalau ku pilih di sini
if i choose here
Apa kata di sana
What says there
Kalau ku pilih di sana
If I choose there
Di sini akan terluka
here will get hurt
Perlukah aku pilih keduanya
Should I choose them both
Bahagi kasih seadil-adilnya
give them both fair loves
Sungguh ku merasa resah
I really feel sad
Untuk menilai sesuatu yang indah
To decide something beautiful
Namunku ada pepatah
but i have a poem
Yang aku gubah...
that i composed
Di sana hanyalah menanti...
there just waiting
Sampai bila pun ku tak pasti...
Until no times i will take
Bertanya khabar melalui tinta
asking how she is throught the ink
Jarang sekali bertemu muka
Rarely meet up
Namun ku tahu dia setia
But I know she's loyal to me
Dan di sini tetap menunggu...
And here still waiting .
Berada jelas di mataku...
in front of my eyes ...
Kasih tak luak terhadap aku
she doesn't angry with me
Sanggup menunggu kata putusku
always patient to face my break up words
Sayang ketabahanmu menawanku
but your patientness hold me tight
Sungguh ku merasa resah
I really feel sad
Untuk menilai sesuatu yang indah
To decide something beautiful
Namunku ada pepatah
but i have a poem
Yang aku gubah...
that i composed
Di sana hanyalah menanti...
there just waiting
Sampai bila pun ku tak pasti...
Until no times i will take
Bertanya khabar melalui tinta
asking how she is throught the ink
Jarang sekali bertemu muka
Rarely meet up
Namun ku tahu dia setia
But I know she's loyal to me
Dan di sini tetap menunggu...
And here still waiting .
Berada jelas di mataku...
in front of my eyes ...
Kasih tak luak terhadap aku
she doesn't angry with me
Sanggup menunggu kata putusku
always patient to face my break up words
Sayang ketabahanmu menawanku
but your patientness hold me tight
Ku terima satu nota
i accepted one note
Ringkas tulisannya
just short sentences
Dia sedia undur diri
she want to walk out of my life
Dan memaafkanku
and forgive me
Katanya anggap ini satu mimpi
she said this is just a dream
Yang datang sekadar
that cames for a while
Untuk menguji...
to test