Tønes Maxitaxi english translation
Tønes Maxitaxi song lyrics
Tønes Maxitaxi translation
Nå ser eg lysane på bilen
Now I see the lights on the car
Så stenne der ude å svive
In the yard, with the engine running
Det e ikkje lett å få me seg alt
It's not light to get everything
Når dar e så goe gang her inne
Where there is so good times here in
E det jusså meiningo at alle ska gå?
Is it supposed that everyone will go away from me
Pressa seg inn i bilen å reisa herifrå
Get in the car and travel away
Kem e det så he bestilt ein maxitaxi?
Who is it that's ordered a maxitaxi?
Kem e det så he bestilt ein maxitaxi?
Who is it that's ordered a maxitaxi?
Eg trur det bare e meg så he finge øye på at an stenne der ude
I think it is only me who have seen it standing there
Det e lenge si det he våre så goe stemning
it's been long since there has been a good atmosphere
her i dette huset
here in this house
Det ringe på døro,
The doorbell is ringing
eg går ud å åpne
I go out to open.
Der treffe eg på ein kar i uniform
There I meet a guy in uniform
Han stenne å nikke
He stands nodding
Kem e det så he bestilt ein maxitaxi?
Who is it that's ordered a maxitaxi?
Kem e det så he bestilt ein maxitaxi?
Who is it that's ordered a maxitaxi?
Plutselig e huset tomt,
Suddenly the house is empty
eg står aleina i stuo
I stand alone in the living room.
Så høyre eg rommestering ifra badet,
Then I hear niice from the bathroom
någen drege i snoro
Someone flushing
Peder, e du her enno?
Peder, are you still there?
He du våre oppe på toalettet,
Have you been to the rest room?
kjære deg Peder
My friend, Peder
Kå lenge he du sodde der?
How long have you been there?
Går det godt me deg Peder?
Is everything fine with you, Peder?
Vil du ha et glass me vann?
Do you want a glass with water?
Går det godt me deg Peder?
Is everything fine with you, Peder?
De andre he reist,
The others have all left
men meg og deg kan væra her
but me and you can still sit here
De andre he reist,
The others have all left
men meg og deg kan væra her
but me and you can still sit here