TVXQ 항상 곁에 있을게 Always with You english translation
TVXQ 항상 곁에 있을게 Always with You song lyrics
TVXQ 항상 곁에 있을게 Always with You translation
달린다. 익숙한 향기에 이끌려 비가 그친 이 땅을 딛고 다시 너에게 달려간다.
I am running, pulled by the familiar scent. Stepping on this ground as the rain stops,
들린다. 입밖에 내지 않았어도 너를 찾는 나의 마음이 점점 크게 들려온다.
I am running to you. I hear it, even though I didn't say it. I hear my heart looking for you louder and louder.
눈부신 햇살 속 너와 진심을 외치던 나
In the dazzling sun, you and I shouted out true feelings
이대로 시간에 밀려 거짓이 될까 두려웠어.
I was afraid it would be pushed by time and become lies
내 마음이 들리니. Oh 지금 막 너에게 돌아왔어.
Can you hear my heart? I have just returned to you right to now
나의 꿈은 너였어. 늘 곁에 있을게.
My dream was you. I will always be with you.
느껴져. 빼곡히 쌓인 추억들이 세상 그 어떤 작품보다 훨씬 아름답게 느껴져.
I feel the stacked up memories. I feel it more beautifully than any other masterpiece in the world.
고마워. 표현 없이 널 대할 때도 내 마음을 알아준 너, 절대 놓치지 않을게.
Thank you. Even when I didn't express much to you, you knew how I felt. I won't ever let you go.
눈부신 햇살 속 너와 진심을 외치던 나
In the dazzling sun, you and I shouted out true feelings
이대로 시간에 묻혀 잃어버릴까 두려웠어.
I was afraid it would be buried and lost in time
내 마음이 들리니. Oh 지금 막 너에게 돌아왔어.
Can you hear my heart? I have just returned to you right to now
나의 꿈은 너였어. 늘 곁에 있을게.
My dream was you. I will always be with you.
비틀거리던 내 미래가 네가 있어 다시 숨을 쉬어.
My once swaying future has started to breathe again because you're here
세상 하나 뿐인 너야. 세상 가장 빛나는 my star.
You're the only one in the world, my star that shines the brightest
함께 부른 노래 Oh 함께 나눈 추억 Oh
The song we sing together, The memories we share together
하늘에 울려 퍼지다 별자리가 된 이야기
A story that rings and spreads across the sky and becomes a star
그 어떤 힘도 떼낼 수 없는 너와 나
You and I can't be torn apart by any kind of power
다신 헤어지지 않기로 해.다신 울지 않기로 해.
Promise that we'll never be apart again, that we'll never cry again
나의 꿈은 너야. 항상 곁에 있을게.
My dream is you. I will alywas be with you